Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013


I just won't be doing this work through running...haha.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Moving - Day 2 - The Last Scramble

We're moving! Not far, not even out of this town (we love this town), just 2 doors down in our building. YAY! More room! Step-Daughter has decided to stay and so she needed a room. It was such a lucky break to find her one right here in the building. We got a good portion of stuff out yesterday. We have to finish today. I am most worried about our bed, cause it's heavy. But, there is actually lots of work to be done still...
I am about to lose the internet while my man moves the computers next door, then we have to have the bill swapped. So I will be gone for the  next week probably sorting all that stuff out. 
Have a wonderful start of July and I'll catch you up on all the fun we had next week. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

3 years gone, never forgotten

Hi guys, Happy July!

June 24th stuck in my head all day, and I couldn't figure out why, till a whole day later. The brain has been fried, I'll update you on my personal life next, this right here is important.

June 24th, 2010 is the day my friend Ila Packman was senselessly stabbed to death.

In THIS POST in December of 2012 I shared the surveillance video of the people they suspect killed Ila, or at very least have some information on his death. That post has had an increase in traffic this last week, and for the first time someone commented on it. On June 25th, and I was reminded of what the 24th was. Then others commented. All friends and loved one's of Ila's. Hi guys, nice to meet you all, so sorry this is why...

Anyhow, I have a much larger audience on a much more regular basis now, with about 75 page-views a day (I know, this isn't "a lot" or anything, but it's new to me) I am hoping more people will see this this time.

Ila's mom commented on the original post and informed that the reward is $55,000 if money happens to be something that motivates you.  She's a mom who lost her son to senseless violence if helping other humans is something that motivates you.




Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Fascinations

Above amazing illustration by Mab Graves 
It's been a grim week people. Lots of really bizarre news out there. Weird vibe in the air. I don't follow astrology, but those that do would probably say something about the moon being in the house of Mars and that causing bad juju. Or, something. Anyhow, I have also been in a weird place all week, and that has affected all of the relationships around me and made it all just a little, uncomfortable. I am SO GLAD it's Friday! I started the unwinding and celebration last night with Pinot Nior and Pim's orange biscuits. I was bad. Oh well, it's not every week work is slow and you pore over all the gruesome crap the internet as barfed on shore

  3 girls finally escaped the fucked up guy that held them captive in his Ohio home for 10 YEARS!!! 10 fucking YEARS. One of them has a daughter with the sick freak. These poor women. I am so amazed this could happen. Thing that made me sadder: the girl that did the breaking out and made the call, Amanda Berry, her mom died while she was in captivity. 
I mean, I'm sure lots of people were born and died in their families, but still, her mom...
Jodi Arias was found guilty of killing her boyfriend Travis Alexander in 2008. I couldn't remember hearing about this, and I haven't been following the trial like many other people have. This is crazy. This woman is crazy. DO NOT google image search Travis! I was trying to jog my memory of this murder and the crime scene photos are all over the internet! Bloody body in a bathtub photos. The "porn" photos of them together right before she killed him have little black bars over the naughty bits. The photos of him in the bathtub? Nope, all blood and stab wounds and rolled back eyes for the whole world to see. This poor guys family.

 The jury is still out on how to punish the 14 year old boy who shot his mother to death cause she took away his video game. Then he tried to rape her...He texted his dad to say he killed mom, dad thought it was a joke. What the hell is wrong with the world?

On the sunny side of the street (or this is where I sound like a self-centered whore after talking about how fucked up the above situations are)

  I am addicted to LU Pim's Orange Biscuit thingys. No I was not paid to say this. I just fucking love them. They are very similar to Jaffa cakes.
My bedroom is going through an overhaul this weekend (yes for real this time) and I am trying to figure out the best way to do that.  
I am in the middle of Stephen King's Eyes of the Dragon and loving it.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

“Grief changes shape, but it never ends.” 

~ Keanu Reeves

Friday, May 3, 2013