Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Faves

Happy Friday!
Happy Lunar New Year, Valentines Day, President's Day weekend starting Friday!

Got any cool plans? Me? I am gonna hang out, fix my home computer, and go to the movies. I am really excited for this weekend cause it's a 3 day long one. I know that doesn't mean anything for the creative self employed types, or the unfortunately unemployed types, but if you have a desk job that is less than exciting it's fantastic news! It's less than fantastic due to the fact I am a temp and will not be paid for the day I miss...but I'm still excited OK?

I am also excited that I can provide you with a list of things I have been reading, obsessing over, or drooling about.

This post from Doe Deere linked to the Wikipedia about The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and the effects Heath Ledgers death had on production, post production, and everyone involved. In short, this film was cursed, or blessed, or both. If you haven't already (it didn't do as well in the US as it did overseas) GO SEE IT NOW! It was so much better on a full size screen, your T.V. is not gonna cut it.

Former Los Angeles punk queen Alice Bag give insight and her opinion on why we should stop using the hyphenated American label.

A look at American culture, based on Facebook.

This Picture of BLONDIE! (and nerdboyfriend rocks)

Warrior Development was inspiring, I can completely relate to The Paralysis of Doing the Right Thing.

And the best one all week? The one that made me think and then re-think my life was this post by 43Folders. I have realized this is my biggest hindrance in moving forward with anything in my life. ANYTHING. All of my project are half baked and probably always will be because I care WAY too much about WAY too many things. I have to widdle that list down. It's gonna suck, I'm gonna hate it, and it's not gonna feel natural to a person with Wonder Woman I can do everything tendencies. But, it's gotta happen.

Thanks to those that continue to read this thing, I know you are out there only due to my counter at the bottom of the page, but at least your out there.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Joann of the bus

I take great interest in the way life unfolds; the little moments in life are endlessly intriguing. I could create a whole other blog about the bus rides to and from work, and the amazing people that accompany me on said rides. I probably won't just because I am trying to work on the thousand projects that I already am so overwhelmed by I avoid.

Yesterday I got on a very late La Brea bus to find my friend Julian sleeping near the front. I giggled as I took a picture, and then nudged him to say hi. It made my morning, getting to see a friendly face on a bus in the city of Los Angeles is not all that common. But, then it happened again this morning! I was startled. I am a friendly person. If I catch you looking, I smile. I say good morning, and thank you, and hello to people. Lots of other people just don't. I can't take it personally, I ride on 2 buses that run through major arteries of this great city, and many of those people lead less than glamorous lives.

Which is why I was also intrigued to see the well put together blond walk up to my second bus stop this morning, dragging designer luggage behind her. She had a huge suitcase, train case, and purse. Her skin was perfect. She looked older than I, but you couldn't tell how old. My imitate thought was "She's traveling here (versus going someplace), cause she isn't from Los Angeles". I was right. She approached me, and asked if I had change for a five dollar bill, she just got into town last night from Chicago and was still getting used to the bus system, oh, and she also had $.35. I said I didn't think I had it, but the bus is $1.25 so I'll just give you this dollar and you'll be set. I asked where she was going from here to figure out if there was a place to get change for the bus after this one (if there was one). She thanked me, introduced herself as Joann and shook my hand, she then told me she had flown here last night, and was on her way to Palmdale to take care of her sister, niece and nephew while her sister was battling breast cancer.

Wow. This is some story. Wow, this is some woman.

The children are still young (about 8 and 9 or so...I don't remember) and it's her baby sister (in her early forties) and they are close. She wants to take the kids off her hands completely, be the wonderful funky aunt that spoils them while her sister is at ceder-sani working on getting better. She uploaded tons of kids movies to her laptop, she's gonna take them on adventures, feed them sugar, and let them be kids while their mom recovers.

I almost cried.

I was impressed she was taking public transportation to Palmdale, and hadn't rented a car. It was a long way. She said she didn't mind, it was an adventure. She had taken 6 months off work, packed up just the essentials, and since her children were in their twenties (cause this woman I found out is just over 50. 50!! She looked amazing, I wouldn't have guessed 40) and it's freezing cold and everyone is up to their eyeballs in snow in Chicago, she left. I had told her she was in for a switch, she was on her way to the desert. It was gonna be nice and warm. I told her briefly about my mom, and that what she was doing was amazing (And all of it a surprise I might add. Her sister doesn't know she is just gonna show up on her doorstep!) and that it was a very important, heartfelt way to support her sister. When I went to get off the bus, I wished her a safe and happy journey into the desert, and told her her sister would be in my thoughts. She smiled and wished me a good day.

One more story of the city that makes me grateful for the little things in life. The short, human connections are important.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sold Soul

Well, I am off to dance again. For a woman that drives me crazy. From an office that drives me crazy.

I did it again. Sold out for the almighty dollar. It's hard when the person you live with works very little due to his choice of career and you like to eat. It sucks when you have chosen to wing it as an artist and haven't the time or inclination to work on your art due to the bullshit of the day.

And that's why I have no other words right now. Except a big old apologie to myself, cause I suck.

I sold out. Again. Sorry.

But in the spirit of the blog, I am not homeless, still haven't been homeless in a long time. Last time I couch surfed was a long time ago, least I got that going for me.