Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cheese, Led Zep and plants

Happy Friday!

How was your week? What's new? Are you excited for the weekend? I am! Oh oh! OH! I am so excited! I have an action packed weekend with the people I love! Yay!

Tomorrow I am competing in The Grilled Cheese Invitational at Los Angeles Center Studios! I am so stoked! I have been really broke this month, really broke. But, Life has rocked. Rocked hard.

2 weeks ago The Man and I had a blast walking up and down our ally and around our block collecting rocks for our budding little garden. We have planted Basil, Orange mint, Sage, Jalapenos, Habinaroeos, annnd...I still have my beloved Aloe, all twisted and ugly, I love my aloe. It's a story for another time however due to how epic it is. So I have scraped by and sold some crap on eBay and was able to afford my registration fee into The Grilled Cheese Invitational this year, Pictures from last year:

Sammich was Sourdough with sharp chedder, fried in butter and then covered in Kraft Parm and fried again till golden. Drool.....And hey I got to cook next to the coolest nuns ever!

I have some amazing friends who have helped me out looking for work, bought me lunch, and Richie kicked in $2 so The Man and I could go see Instinct of Aggression's last show on Wednesday. It rocked. Pictures will follow if I feel like it.

Sunday I am heading over UCLA to listen to an interview (on KLOS at 12pm Pacific time) of one of Led Zeppelin's road photographers, so excited! This will also rock. The obsession with Robert Plant continues. Hehe!

Other than that, I am slowing going over dad's pictures with photoshop...I need to up res them and am being a huge lazy ass about it. Also, the organization of my crap is getting further along...selling stuff on eBay helps. I have realized I have a lot of crap I find value in but other don't and it has been hard to just let go of some stuff...I am such a pack rat!

Now onto Friday favorites, haven't done it in a while and so if anyone cares here is what I found most amusing on the bloggy world this week (I am still catching up on reading stuff since getting the computer back up and running, so some of this stuff is a little older and you may have seen it link elsewhere, whatever, I still think it rocks.)

For some weird reason blogger is not letting me cut and paste links anymore...so until I figure this out no links for you! Sorry darlings...I suck. Now to go grill come practice cheese!
Have a great weekend!

-Sydney ♥

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back at it

Hi again.
Been awhile huh?

I lost that office job I had in February, actually on the Monday following that last post. I came back from spending a bunch of money on a Valentines day that didn't really require so much fuss and was fired. Nice.

It's not like I was really upset, I was uncomfortable there and the politics between the ladies that worked in the office were really bad. They all just judged each other. That coupled with the fact that it really freaked them out that 2 temps were brought in 'cause it might mean that their jobs were at stake and...the tension was thick.

After that I was doing some more transcribing for Warner Bros. again and saving toward getting this computer fixed, I hadn't had one since January when the motherboard died.
I got the new one a week before the transcribing ended. I was asked to do another season of The Closer 'cause Warner Bros. loves all those mad transcribing skills I have, and now, I am outta work again.
I have been so happy! I had no idea how much I missed the Internet! I have just taken in as much as possible, reading, reading, reading. I am working on getting a few projects together that will make some cash and selling crap I don't want on ebay and craigslist. 2 weeks till rent is due and I am halfway there. So, although I am still not homeless it's gonna be a close call this month.