Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back at it

Hi again.
Been awhile huh?

I lost that office job I had in February, actually on the Monday following that last post. I came back from spending a bunch of money on a Valentines day that didn't really require so much fuss and was fired. Nice.

It's not like I was really upset, I was uncomfortable there and the politics between the ladies that worked in the office were really bad. They all just judged each other. That coupled with the fact that it really freaked them out that 2 temps were brought in 'cause it might mean that their jobs were at stake and...the tension was thick.

After that I was doing some more transcribing for Warner Bros. again and saving toward getting this computer fixed, I hadn't had one since January when the motherboard died.
I got the new one a week before the transcribing ended. I was asked to do another season of The Closer 'cause Warner Bros. loves all those mad transcribing skills I have, and now, I am outta work again.
I have been so happy! I had no idea how much I missed the Internet! I have just taken in as much as possible, reading, reading, reading. I am working on getting a few projects together that will make some cash and selling crap I don't want on ebay and craigslist. 2 weeks till rent is due and I am halfway there. So, although I am still not homeless it's gonna be a close call this month.

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