Saturday, March 29, 2014

Toshiaki Kato, Lady Sphinx

Saturday Happy Song - Cyndi Lauper - When You Were Mine

Thursday, March 27, 2014

So, Saint Patrick's Day, about 6:30am we had an earthquake here in Los Angeles Ca. centered in the Encino/Sepulvida Pass area. 4.4 magnitude,  I didn't mention it cause, I didn't feel it, or Saint Patrick's Day was worth mentioning, I have had other stuff on my mind.

It scared the hell out of a few of those that are not locals, for a surprising number of people this was their very first earthquake! Below drag queen Alyssa Edwards tells of her experience and it is amazing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it the most?
—  Mark Twain


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No talky

I'm toying with the idea of taking a sabbatical. From speaking. For like, a month...I don't know, I guess I'd have to start with a week, and go from there. And, now that I think about it it would make the most sense to start over a weekend and go from there but, my boyfriend wouldn't like this I don't would be too weird considering we are the only 2 people in the apartment right now. I mean, I guess I would still communicate via written word, I'd have to. I would have to communicate somehow.
And, then that makes me realize, how the hell would I tell anyone at work this? Like, my boss? I would prove I'm insane right there.

I just, I sometimes wonder why the hell I need to talk so damn much. All the time, about nothing at all...I just ramble. I know I didn't use to talk this much. I have just, become so damn anxious over the last, say...10 years. Ahahahahaha

Change is in the air...

"Change is in the air, especially with the moody Moon back in your productive sign; however, circumstances beyond your control still make you nervous. Of course you want to stabilize your feelings, but there's too many unrelated events happening simultaneously today. Instead of trying to do the impossible, take a deep breath and step back from the chaos. The energy will become more manageable once you give up the idea of being in charge of everything."

Oh my GOD is this right on the money today!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Life is weird

Things have gotten so weird. Life is so freaking weird.
I can't go into details, cause some of it is about my job, and some of it is, things that could only happen by cosmic connection and so then I'll sound nuts. But, at least I'm never bored.

Walking continues. I'm slacking too much on exercises...the ankle is a bit stiff...but I am so grateful to be able to walk. I am so blessed.