Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The B.W.O. Yo!

 I would like to take advantage of the fact that I am sitting in front of my computer not for work, and inspired all at the same time to tell you a great idea brought about by one of my favorite artists.

Look to your right. You see that cute little badge? It makes me feel all the better about writing when I  feel the inclination to do so.

The Amazing Tiffany Electra X, the brains and beauty behind Tartx. I have a few of her gorgeous necklaces, love them! (I am not being paid for this shamelss plug, I really do love this gal's stuff). While rummaging through her blog I came across this great POST and that great badge about Blogging without Obligation. 

Ms. X talks about how much she hates to see (read) people stressing out about not posting often enough, or how bad the feel about not producing enough content or at the prescribed pace you have set for yourself. The thing is, you have set it for yourself. In a forum you have created, originally, for yourself, no? If this is your creative outlet, you should enjoy it! Blog without the stress baby!

Creative Outlets

Wow, October has just flown by! So much going on, still disoriented, disorganized and a bit depressed.  This is usually my favorite month, I haven't paid much attention this year. I am working two jobs (as well as possible) and Mr. is working weekends, so I have mostly stayed in, worked on being creative.

Here is a card I made for my friend Cristina's birthday at the beginning of the month:

Flower Children 2010

I really like how it turned out. I am working on getting some more college stuff together, by organizing the things I have. I want a nice set or drawers to sort stuff into, but I want nice ones...this will do, but it's still out of my price range.

I have also spent time sorting through photos, scanning them and posting them on Facebook for family far away to see as well. I had no idea that a couple of them had never been seen before.

Garrity Children 1917

That baby sitting between her brothers is my grandmother, in Chicago, 1917.
This has inspired my photoshop work, I am taking my time trying to make it look good.

Before leaving you this evening (morning?) I have to add that it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Check your breasts! Here's a handy guide! HERE.