Monday, May 25, 2009

In the eye

I have totally forgotten to mention, the header photos on the blog without credits; those are mine! I have worked on only using my photos, but that doesn't always work out. I don't have enough of a library to pull from yet, but I am working on it all the time. I will soon enough, I have dove in head first. And you know, I couldn't be happier! I only wish there were more hours in the day, it goes by so fast!

It is truly amazing to put what you like to do out in the world, and have people respond in a positive and encouraging way. It has restored my faith in networking with people you like.

So I have just returned from a short jaunt in Austin, Texas. I will have highlights soon as I get done editing photos from a show just prior to that. I am so excited!

Below, some of the things I've been up to lately. More in the next few days my lovelies!


Patrick Duffy

Chronic Stew at the Venice Bistro.

Trip Brown & Rick Zavadil

Chronic Stew at the Venice Bistro.


Fuel Girls at The Gumball 3000 start. Santa Monica Pier.


Flower Fields, Carlsbad.


Flower Fields, Carlsbad.


Chronic Stew, Good Hurt; West L.A.


Chronic Stew, Good Hurt; West L.A.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Currently very very thankful for The Man, as he is sitting right by my side while my neck has mysteriously swelled up. I'm scared. It sucks that I have no health insurance right now due to the lack of job. It sucks that I haven't been able to get the damn COBRA because the EDD has fucked up my unemployment insurance. It sucks that I am not sure if this is a food allergy from the McDonald's fruit and walnut salad (which makes no sense, I have eaten it before).


All that is ok, because I have Mr. Man, and he will protect me. I am so thankful for the people that love me.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Favorites


A really late edition of the Friday Favorites, because I had an off day. There are a lot of those when your unemployed....I slept late, then had to go down to the unemployment office to see what the fuck they have done with my checks cause I haven't gotten a single one and I am starting to worry about how I'll be paying my half of the rent....So they tell me they are gonna send out all the unsent claim forms at once tomorrow morning, and I should get them Tuesday. Which doesn't help me secure any money for my trip to Austin Texas next week, but poverty makes you creative. So there's that to be grateful for. I have fought the funk for the past week, but it's getting the better of me tonight and I may just scrounge up money for beer and call it a day. Here is what has made me smile this week on the web, hope it adds glitter and rainbows to your world! *cheesy smile that twinkles in the corner of my mouth*.

I know everyone in creation has heard about it and it's 15 minutes are probably up and now I sound old, but Texts from Last Night still makes me happy!

Coco de Mer. Drool. The photography is to die for, the toys themselves are to die for, uber expensive price tag...just go drool over it now! (sex toy site. Not safe for work, or... if you are shy)

Desert Sin Dance Company, also a big drool here. All the beautiful ladies, the dancing, I love it. Just love it!

This awesome Strawberry Shortcake on a STICK! Who wants to have a bonfire so we can make these?

Cupcakes on a STICK! (it's warm and sunny out, time for food on a stick!)

Goth bathing suits, just in time for summer (can you tell I am so happy the weather is warmer?).

Also from Haute Macabre. I LOVE this photo spread (it's from Agent Provocateur's Season of the witch collection! So amazing [not safe for work]).

Luxe & Less, how to have a fab time on little money. It's a time of being broke, and I am glad this reminds me to be thankful for the little things.

I am totally making one of these.

What is your Definite Major Purpose?

Ron Mexico talks about one of the new books on Hunter.


There is a new issue of Steampunk Magazine!!

Ok, that's all for now my lovelies! Have a great weekend!


Monday, May 11, 2009

oh the slump

I have been lazy. Very lazy. The last 3 days I have sat about and recouped, from nothing.

Well, I guess that's not entirely true. Friday was huge, and by the end I was tired...So I totally deserved my weekend of nothing right? And the weekend wasn't all nothing....


I feel better, I just talked myself out of feeling bad about how lazy I was this weekend, cause I wasn't really all that lazy! Yey me!

Friday I drove my younger sister to the doctor, 2 doctors actually. One in Torrance, and the other in Santa Monica. It took all day to go back and forth, but I like driving so it was OK. We had a break in between to have lunch at my place, and watch South Park. That night The Man and I were trying to figure out what we wanted to do, when a friend called to ask if we were going to The Dickies show at Knitting Factory in Hollywood that night. We weren't, we are currently broke. and you know what he said?



I was so stoked! I love The Dickies. Love. Love. Love. The Dickies. It was an amazing show. I danced on the edge of the pit all night long. I was so exhausted the next day I just spaced out in front of the TV. My whole Saturday was spent that way. It was bliss.

Yesterday I went and danced again, this time in class. I have photos cause we went out to dinner after. I'll post them later.

So my weekend rocked! Yey! I'm glad I came to tell you all about it or I may have hated myself for it all day. I am thankful for good friends, good music, and dance. So so thankful I can dance.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gone exploring

lost in the secret garden

"Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts as the Columbus to his own soul."

~Sir J. Stephen


A rose by any other name...

It's been awhile, and has the time flown right out the window! The last 2 weeks have been especially bad, and are getting worse in the time warp department. You see, I was laid off my job 2 weeks ago, and it has gone into the realm of weird as far as the hours I have been keeping. On the up side I am at least very creative and have stayed motivated. I started taking the apartment apart 2 nights ago and have since gotten rid of a third of my possessions! Yay for liberation of clutter! If I wasn't running out of money fast this would be fun! Sadly, I am really broke, and the job search isn't panning out...and I'm not sure what to do about it. The Man isn't working right now either, so we have gotten creative on how to come up with money. None of that has worked either.

Although I should probably be more worried, I'm not. It's all gonna work out, somehow. I was dyeing in that office, no matter how nice the people were, I needed something more challenging. And you know, I'm not sure I'll find it in an office. I want to be so much more than I am, and that was hard to do with the excuse that I was too tired from work to do anything I wanted to do. I was reporting to a company I didn't really care about to file their paperwork, that I really didn't care about, while I daydreamed about what else I could be doing. Wow, really long run on sentences when you have a beer and a bowl with lunch. Haha!

So the last two weeks I have worked on photoshop tutorials, pulled apart all my stuff, applied for post production jobs I am wildly under-qualified for, gone out on a casting audition for extra work, defrosted my freezer, fed a friends cat for 4 days, melted in his hot tub, and gotten really baked. Yay! Let's here it for forced vacation!