Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Photo Update - March 2017

Wow, the depression caused me to miss the March AND April photo updates!

Things are looking up! Or, I had a really good day...I don't know. I did a grown-up thing I have been struggling with and scheduled my dental surgery today. It's gonna be several thousand more dollars debt put on a credit card, but it's my teeth. It's my health. I'm in my mid-thirties, I need to seriously focus on taking better care of myself. I will pay it off, I know I will. I just have to do it. So, that was a weight off my mind. Now I just have to get a credit card for it, and, hustle my ass off to pay it...


Went to a screening of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane  with some girlfriends. It was in one of the beautiful old theaters downtown and was presented by FX channel and Cinespia (they put on the outdoor screenings in the cemetery over the summer) to promote the premier of Feud on FX. They spoiled us! We got a tin of mints with the Feud logo on them, a chapstick with the Feud logo, popcorn, candy, a drink (soda or bottled water) and a punch card for 3 cocktails, a make-over downstairs I don't remember what the 6th punch was for...they were mostly gin based cocktails, and boy were they strong! I think the one pictured below is The Baby Jane, which was like, lemonade and gin. We didn't do the make-overs, it was too crowded, and we just were more interested in drinking...

 There was a tap dancer dressed like Baby Jane to warm up the crowed to live piano music. She would happily dance across the stage, then get really angry and stomp off, and then come back, in Baby Jane mood swing fashion.
 I didn't have old hollywood glamour attire, so I just opted for cleavage.
 The Boyfriend's Missing Persons tribute band (Noticeable Ones) played The Ventura Theater.
Boyfriend's Stone Temple Pilots tribute band (STP Experience) played at Bar 20 in Hollywood 2 days later.
March 15th is The Boyfriend's birthday. We went to the place that has the best mojitos this side of Cuba, Xiomara on Melrose. Such addicting spicy breadsticks! It wasn't till we were there that we found out the place sold and is closing!! :-( There is a sugar cane grinder behind the bar and they juice it right in front of you. We made up for the future loss by having 4 each.
Saint Patrick's Day party at work cause they took our cubes away and tried to ply us with booze to make it better.
New party supply tables we arrived to on Monday...Still got to sit next to the window, so, that was nice...
The company bought us box lunch that day to help make up for the desk upset. I found out this way that I really
like the tomato mozzarella sandwich from Corner Bakery. 
  We went to the Autoclub 400 like we do every year.
Pink is still the love of my life. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Screw the roses. I got Mexican food for Valentine's day, cause he knows the real way to my heart.

Monday, January 23, 2017

"Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks."
-Marilyn Wann

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Dear Sydney,

You cannot, under any circumstances, visit the various and extremely tempting candy bowls in the office today. Or, tomorrow. Nor are you able to eat anything other than vegetables for dinner tonight. Last night's entire bag of Chicago Style popcorn for dinner fiasco was shameful, embarrassing and damaging. You're in your 30s girl, get a grip.

Sincerely, healthy Sydney trapped inside emotionally unstable eater Sydney


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I want to make these, but it might be too hot to bake now...
My cousin Betty is amazing and you should follow her blog:

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pie crust was on sale at the store for $1.50.
Made Better Homes and Gardens blueberry pie filling, had an excuse to use the "Heart Pocket Pie Crimper" I got in the clearance bin at Pavilions after last Valentines Day.
I LOVE hearts and Valentines day stuff and I always think I will use it all year round and then I never do... 
Pretty good! Filling wasn't too sweet. I will do this again very soon.
I need to work out my own crust. I shouldn't be buying crust when it's so simple to make. So, that's next.

Here's what happens when you over fill these things:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cheese Ball Update 2015. Breaking cheeseball news!

 Student showcase/recital/belly dancer party was fun. I could have taken my costume up a notch and blended in better I think. I guess I really don't own any gold. HAHA! Oh well, I liked my more sedate look.
Didn't get goodies made for some co-workers by Dec. 18th, too much going on, was practicing the damn hip-hop piece I was bold enough to take part in all week. Listening to fucking Justine Bieber over and over. It rocked! We rocked!! I don't like the group photo for that one...I haven't gotten other peoples pictures yet...but whatever, it rocked. We worked hard. It right away felt weird that we were done. That group of ladies had been dancing learning/dancing that piece since first week of October. It became part of life for a while. So, some people missed out on fudge.

The one on the left has nuts, the one on the right doesn't. Both were huge hits. I love this fudge.

White elephant party was a success. Some people brought really lame gifts, but whatever. It was a good team builder/detraction. I was the only one that brought an appetizer. The cheese ball was a hit!!

So, it's Amy Sedaris' Cluster Haven's Pepper Mill, I doubled the recipe, added a little cayenne pepper and a little garlic power to the cheese and pecans to the crust. I was kinda scared it wasn't gonna firm up enough to roll, and I didn't want to break it in two and bring two cheese balls to took about 30mins of chill time to get firm, and it still didn't entirely hold it's shape, but whatever. 

Gonna make another one for over Christmas with family. Sorta. I was ditched by both sisters for either xmas day or eve, so it's gonna be a lot of friends I hope. Though, now going out sounds better cause then I don't have to clean the house.


    1 stick butter
    1 8-ounce package cream cheese
    1 1/2 cups grated Cheddar cheese
    2 tablespoons grated onion
    2 tablespoons coarsely ground pepper (to get really coarse pepper, I put peppercorns in a dish towel and bang it with a mallet on my floor)


Combine the butter and cream cheese. Add in the Cheddar and onion. Mix it really well.

Form it into a ball and roll it in the pepper. Refrigerate. Serve at room temperature on a Ritz.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ah, the holiday crazies!!!

Trying to polish 2 dance routines for the student showcase on Dec. 20th...trying to put together stage design for boyfriends STP Tribute band remembrance of Scott Weiland on the 11th...trying to get my costume together for Alpine Village Krampus Party on the 12th...trying to get the house together and Xmas gifts bought for family and friends for Xmas...I need my goodies for co-workers made by the 17th probably because people will be out of the office after's too ambitious to try and make pretzel bites for the office White Elephant party on the 22nd right? Hot damn these look so fucking good though. And you can put the cheese sauce in a crockpot so it stays nice and hot...Fuck, I might need to give this a shot.
 Soft Pretzel Bites with Spicy Cheese Dip by

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Homemade coconut allspice diamonds from co-worker. Mmmmmmmm...cookie itself is like a shortbread. Very buttery and flaky.

LAST of the sugar for me for a while, I need a detox! Been sluggish. July sucked. Starting over now that it's over. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!