Showing posts with label Stone Temple Pilots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stone Temple Pilots. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2015

Stone Temple Pilots - Wonderful

Song that the boys dedicated to Mr. Weiland on Friday night.
Rest in Peace Scott Weiland. Your music changed my life more than you will ever know.♥ 

No Saturday Happy Song this weekend because I woke up super late, hungover from a fantastic night with my man's band Big Bang Baby. 

We did a nice memorial for Scott Weiland who sadly passed away Dec. 3rd. I made up 4 big tubs of flowers and had 2 large posters printed up. It looked great. It was a hit! I drank too much, and spent too much at the damn bar...I always let too much money fly out the door at the end of the year cause I just don't give a fuck anymore. HAHA. Gotta reel that in, trying to get out of debt, not create more. Oh Well, it's the holidays. I'm done worrying about shit for 2015. These last 3 weeks are about enjoying my life, my family and my friends.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ah, the holiday crazies!!!

Trying to polish 2 dance routines for the student showcase on Dec. 20th...trying to put together stage design for boyfriends STP Tribute band remembrance of Scott Weiland on the 11th...trying to get my costume together for Alpine Village Krampus Party on the 12th...trying to get the house together and Xmas gifts bought for family and friends for Xmas...I need my goodies for co-workers made by the 17th probably because people will be out of the office after's too ambitious to try and make pretzel bites for the office White Elephant party on the 22nd right? Hot damn these look so fucking good though. And you can put the cheese sauce in a crockpot so it stays nice and hot...Fuck, I might need to give this a shot.
 Soft Pretzel Bites with Spicy Cheese Dip by

Friday, October 23, 2015

Big Bang Baby

Photo by ME!!

Please do me a favor and LIKE Big Bang Baby on Facebook for me? The mister plays bass. They are a Stone Temple Pilots tribute band. More videos and sound to come. I know you don't get much from just the photos, but, they are good! Come out and dance with me some night!