Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Here's to 2017!!

I've been M.I.A. because the last 1/4 of this year got hard. Jobs lost, jobs won, gigs lost, gigs won...sickness, health, reflection about life.

I could go on, but it'll take all night.

Goodbye 2016. Like all years, you weren't all bad, but you weren't all great. You were a mixed bag, and I learned a lot.

I wish all of you happiness, health and love in 2017.

Friday, November 4, 2016

A reflective evening, to be sure. I have all this stuff i want to explain, to get out, to release. And yet, I am so...nonreactive these days.

I realized in the last year or so that many of the people around me do not respond well to my drama, particularly the one I live with, and so I have reeled it in a bit. Not a ton, but a bit. And in this I have tried and failed to express these things privately; for just me. I've realized I am very bad at hiding things, at lying and at just keeping my feelings or emotions to myself, so, I decided to try and work on that. A co-worker once said, "you wear all of your emotions on your sleeve, and so when I can tell you're upset, I like to come fuck with you." Later, he came by quietly and asked if I was, in fact ok, and it showed he cared, and I was fine, but I realized it might do me well to cultivate a better poker face.

But, I still need to express them, and tried to journal them out, and while that worked very well last year, I then tired of it, and didn't want to process all the feelings. Didn't want to take the time to work out what they are and why and instead it was easier to consume. Facebook, youtube, tumblr, instagram...I can spend hours just taking in everyone elses pretty pictures and not thinking too much. That's no good. Where's the balance?

I feel like I should go back and explain what I mean by drama. I don't mean stirring the pot drama, I just, react enthusiastically to most situations.  I am really happy for you when you are in a new relationship, or got the job, or did the art opening or bought the car or whatever, and I gasp and jump up and down and make a fuss. When I'm pissed I roll my eyes and make faces and when I'm angry I throw things across the room (I have to be really angry for this, and I have a VERY long fuse). I feel things to the fullest. Because, why not? Why not live it all right out loud? Well, because sometimes you don't want to show your hand to everyone in the room, and sometimes (most of the time) you don't want to make the people you like uncomfortable.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Saturday Happy Song - Lionel Richie - All Night Long

Sorry I'm late. It's been a week...slept late, have ignored my responsibilities...It's Saturday! My boyfriend plays tonight in Hermosa, this is one of the songs I like that will be on the set list.
Have a great day everyone!
(I just realized when I was looking at the preview before publishing this that in the thumnail on the left of Lionel Richie, is Galyn Gorg, I used to take dance from her at Venice Arts Mecca!) 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Random thought of the day: Gregory Hines was so fucking hot! (Not really that random, I'very had a crush on him since I was about 8...and even got to meet him once...but still)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Oh, hey insomnia, on a Monday morning, at 4:30am...
No, I totally didn't need to start my week off well or anything. FUCK. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
~Pablo Picasso
Milton Greene: Marilyn Monroe with mandolin. Los Angeles, California, 1953.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

That last post was post 1,000! Whoot! Not bad for a blog about life rants, pictures and quotes. Haha
"I ain't looking for answers
I don't want nothing for free
I sure don't want your respect
I just wanna know who's talking to me
I just wanna know who's talkin' to me"
music - David Wright (1912 - 1967)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I gotta journal more...there is so much I can't really cover in a public forum. Annnnd...I think I may have lost some respect for one of my closer friends. I complained about how wacky my job has gotten, and she told me to be more of a bitch.

A couple of girlfriends of mine have had this talk with me, but this time it's really stuck. I think it's a really shitty thing. I think it's really awful to recommend this as advice to your friends. I have been told my whole life I am too nice to people and so I've worked really hard on not getting stepped on, and not letting people run over my boundaries. But, I really don't think "be more of a bitch" is good advice. I've tried to practice some of it a bit more, and to be totally honest, it makes me feel bad about myself. I don't think the world needs more bitches or more people that are out for themselves. I think it's shitty. 
Flaming June
Frederic Leighton
Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico
We finally got a decent manager in here, she was cool.

As of this morning, she's gone...we're hoping she quit and was not fired, but no one will say.


There's been a lot of bummers lately. Gotta re-think shit, gotta do some new stuff, make things fresh...without money, or people paying for their damn purchases on eBay (second time in a row, on the same damn item!)

Time to stir the pot!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Can we just talk about what a huge bummer it is Alexis Arquette died yesterday?
I loved her...
How come all the fabulous ones are leaving?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

“You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.”
― Shaun Hick

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


I feel so...
I don't know...I didn't sleep well, and so that always puts me in a really bad mood. I'm so tired today.
I woke up yesterday in a good mood, fresh from a 3 days weekend that was close to perfect, and today all of that is gone. By the end of the day yesterday I was really spent.

Work was a pain in the butt, Gene Wilder died and it really bums me out that not only will there never be another like him, but people's talent levels just aren't that high anymore.  I can't get the asshole that bought speakers from me on eBay to pay me and now I either have to open a case against them or relist it, either way I lose time and I really needed the money NOW.

I have more stuff I could sell. I saved some of the good stuff for just this occasion: when there is no hope of my boyfriend getting a job because all the shows are staffed up till the end of the year and his unemployment has run out so we're gonna starve. However, it is really disheartening when people don't pay you and you have to fuck around and harass them and end up re-listing anyway. I owe my friend for Black Sabbath tickets. FUCK. People suck!

I gotta rally. I really do not need or desire all the things I have in my apartment, and they will probably sell...

Gotta get back to the day job now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
~Jim Rohn
Oy...wednesday morning...

I guess I need more coffee...I actually need more sleep...

But, they FINALLY installed our new dishwasher yesterday after 3 weeks of doing the dishes by hand and I am SO grateful and happy and relieved! I didn't realize how spoiled I was until we didn't have one. Now I just need the vacuum fixed and I'll be back in business. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"You will burn and you will burn out; you will be healed and come back again."
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Saturday, August 20, 2016
July 4th 1950, Santa Monica, California, photo by Ralph Crane (via)

Saturday Happy Song - Bow Wow Wow - C30 C60 C90 Go
Photo of Masha Archer (The teacher of Carolena Nericcio), uploaded with permission from Larissa Archer.
From Larissa:
“Photo by Charles Homer Archer (Masha’s late husband, and my father). Photo (of course) is of Masha, wearing the original non-coin coin bra, made with saint medallions instead of coins…”
This makes me happy.
Ultra Gypsy members: Jill Parker, Rose Harden, Rachel Brice…

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ariellah Aflalo

Some people go out of their way to piss all over your happy spot...
Those are sad pathetic people.
“Infrared Ballerina” —
Photographer: Kathleen Shumate - MKS Images
Wardrobe: Wonderland Corsets
Makeup: Steffeney Bonilla Harris
Hair: Corinne Renee
Model: Lauren

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Didn't manage to get to either class last night and only managed about 10mins of practice...
Did get through 1 hour of practice tonight and most of the dishes on the sink (the dishwasher is broken...)! Whoot!
Productive night!
2 productive nights, got the bathroom clean last night, and most of the kitchen table so I could show the building super the dishwasher and bathroom mirror were broken, so, progress.
“The Mermaid” by John Reinhard Weguelin.

Monday, August 1, 2016

April Rose, by Nei’ Mad photography.
April Rose, by Nei’ Mad photography.
Poster by Franz Stuck for the International Hygiene Exhibition held in Dresden, Germany, 1911
(source was VintageGal on Tumblr...she deactiveated her account :'-( )
Marilyn Monroe photographed by Richard Avedon, 1958.
What a day...

Got sooooo drunk on Saturday night...spent too much money, killed too many brain cells...I was going to go dance tonight but I can't really afford it, and, Steve is sick...I need to go get some good ginger ale and check on him, I might not make it to class. We'll see. If not I just need to push through an hour of practice on my own, need to make that happen for sure.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"You might have suffered as a youngster because of communication struggles within your family. Even as an adult, you may still contend with issues around cultivating emotional connections with those you love. Although a current misunderstanding could stimulate a cascade of memories, you have a chance to elevate your self-esteem and let go of any old patterns that continue to hold you back. You can't change what has already happened, so focus on the future instead of replaying your past. Author Robert Green Ingersoll said, "Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers." "

Stupid horoscope continues to be scary accurate....


How to spot an opportunity

| April 8, 2015
Stuck moment: My life, in a word? Uneventful. Sure, I’ve got plenty of things to do. And I do them. Every. Day. The same. Way. Why don’t interesting things happen in my life?
*   *   *
Way back in 1969, Peggy Lee sang the Grammy-winning song, “Is That All There Is?” It’s the story of a person who experiences life’s milestones and ends up disappointed each time. Isn’t there more to it? Is that all there is?
We’ve all felt it at times. Maybe we rushed to adulthood with open arms, surprised to find it riddled with responsibility and taxes. Or our marital bliss became a grind of daily compromise. Perhaps that promising new job devolved into paperwork and PowerPoint.
We’re left wondering, Where’s my opportunity? When and where does my ship come in?
The answer is: Right there, right where it’s always been. But we need to see differently so we can recognize it.
If we could give Peggy one piece of advice, we would share Thomas Edison’s observation: “We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Opportunity rarely presents itself as a straight line to happiness. It’s more like a nudge in our brain or a hello from a stranger. It might be something we failed at. A new problem. A disappointment. Or feeling so stuck that remaining the same simply isn’t a choice.
And it’s not just how we see the world. It’s how we think about ourselves that can blur possibilities. Worrying what other people care about definitely clouds our vision. So does sticking to only what we know. And if we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re not lucky enough for opportunity, well, then we’re probably not on the lookout for one.

But you can change that. Grab some overalls and let’s get to work.
First, reset what opportunity means. In plain terms, it’s a chance to make a difference for yourself and/or for someone else. That’s it in a nutshell. We can change something — usually for the better.
The form it comes in is specific to what matters to us as individuals. And whether we can see it or not depends on how we think and act. Here are three ways to check if you’re in opportunity mode or not.
1. Say something new comes along in your life. Do any of these immediate reactions sound like you?
• “I can’t deal with that right now.”
• “How do I get out of this?”
• “It can’t be good.”
• “Now what?”
Maybe you have too much on your plate, or you’re going through a rough patch, making change seem untenable. But if this is your typical response, your ability to see opportunity is diminished.
2. What’s your attitude toward accepting things as they are? Do you generally say to yourself:
• “Could be better, but could be worse. I can handle it.”
• “I don’t like to rock the boat.”
• “I can’t change it, so why bother?”
• “I wish someone would find a better way.”
These thoughts indicate that you’re probably not looking for opportunity. As wonderful as a change might be in your imagination, you aren’t letting go of what you know.
3. Do you think luck is only for the lucky? Yes? We agree. We believe that we make our own luck. Luck comes from being prepared. From identifying what you want, creating a plan, and working toward your goal. Luck comes from being flexible. From considering the impossible possible. Luck comes from putting yourself out there.
And when you’re out there — feeling, thinking, and acting lucky — you are seeing differently. You’re in a frame of mind that helps connect the dots of new possibilities.

So that nudge or hello or disappointment has come to be. You suspect there might be a there there, but you’re not sure. This is when we search for the relationship between seemingly unrelated things (which is usually where opportunities reside).
First, you need an open mind. We humans are quick to judge, so this takes practice.
Drop your biases. It can be refreshing to release a concept you long ago locked in a box as wrong or beneath you.
Lose self-consciousness. If you feel judged, you’ll think and act according to someone else’s rules.
Be a learner, not an expert. There is no right or wrong in possibility, only wonder.
Listen more than you talk. You’ll discover dots you didn’t know existed.
So you can engage your curiosity. Digging into a topic creates new ideas and improves perseverance. Here’s how to activate your curiosity.
Ask more questions. “Why?” and “Why not?” are fruitful inquiries. Questioning what you take for granted is another rich stomping ground.
Pay attention to something you’ve ignored. It never ceases to amaze us how interesting topics become once we know the backstory.
Try something new. You’re a blank slate ready to absorb and question and learn.
Then you’ll start to find patterns. Sometimes the connections leap out, but other times it helps to look at the dots from various angles.
Create clusters. What are the commonalities? The striking differences? Beyond physical properties, you could consider emotions, history, difficulty, reliability, cost, and any other aspect that describes the information.
Move things around. This makes it easy to spot too much or too little of something. When you arrange the clusters in different combinations, notice if a new rule emerges, or something new altogether. Is there a unique quality that stands out from the rest?
Now you’re seeing things differently. It’s the perfect time to ask questions like: How can this be improved? What if it could be…? Do we really need all that…? If we could start over we’d…
It doesn’t have to be a radical change — a small shift sometimes makes all the difference. And an opportunity is born.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Bowl for Business cards, 1905. Pewter. WMF, Germany. Via Herr Auktionen

Illustration by Alberto Vargas, 1945

I have gotten rid of SO MUCH STUFF in the last year. But, my boyfriend is now in 2 '80s bands and I am going to my second '90s party THIS YEAR on Saturday night and I can think of all this stuff I used to have that I could have worn to these things that I ditched.
AHAHAHA! You never need anything until you get rid of it. If I had kept all that stuff these bands and parties would not have happened. It's just the way things work out.

Monday, July 25, 2016