Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Happy Song - Basso Profundo - DeVotchKa

Me being pissed at facebook = more posts for you!

So, yeah, lots of the extra stuff that's seriously just pictures around here lately is all the stuff I like on facebook and don't want to share on there because, I just don't feel like participating over there. So, yay! More posts for you!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Dr. Kilmer’s Female Remedy, 1870s
Feelings make people uncomfortable. I'd like to stop having them now.
Lilly Christine - burlesque dancer, 1950's.

Friday Fascinations

You can get custom mix hair color online now! For cheap!! This rocked my world.

Early American settlers turned out to be desperate enough to eat each other, and not in a kinky-fun way. 

RuPaul has a game app now! So exciting! (I LOVE RuPaul) Just such a bummer they don't have it for
Rapper Chris Kelly of Kriss Kross was found dead at the age of 34! Dude, I LOVED their song "Jump" when it was hot in 1992. I thought they were cool. I watched the embedded video, I can't believe how little they were! Such cuties!

Have you seen the Dove Real Beauty sketches ads? Makes ya think, whichever side you're on.


Hope in a box

Andrew Junge, Pandora’s Box #13, 2009