Thursday, January 29, 2009


So sorry for the lack of updates; I have been rather sick. It's so lame, I hate being sick. This one sucks more because it's the longest I have been sick in like, forever. I pride myself on my immune system, I'm normally only ill for 3 days tops. This has been 6 days so far, and I'm not sure it's done.
(Image: Elizabeth Huston)

I feel a little better today, but my body is so tired. I haven't gotten as much sleep as I need to get rid of this I know, but I have 3 projects I am trying to finish and I still have to go to my day job. I only get about 4 hours of sleep right now and my body is begging for a break, the thing is I don't see one on the horizon. I will let you know all the details on those exciting projects that keep me up all night soon. Till then, enjoy the links that have made me happy this week. And take your vitamins, this cold is going around!

Elizabeth Huston
This Los Angeles based photographer blows my mind. Everything she photographs looks so amazing. Her self portraits were shot using expired film, and make it look like she is standing in some kind of otherworldly atmosphere! Beauty! To boot she is an awesome chick, with a fierce tattoo collection! :)

This place is beautiful, and tell you all you ever wanted to know about the mind altering effects of psychoactive plants, and man made drugs! This place is wonderful, in a non-biased way they present the facts on drugs themselves. You click on a drug, it brings up a beautifully photographed example, and then underneath are links to more photos, the basic information, the law concerning it, the effects it has on your mind, the chemistry involved; and lots more. I am not advocating drug use here, and I don't believe you should go use any substance just because this site provides pretty pictures. I do believe this site is informative, and presents the information in the most interesting way possible. As with all things in life, education is power.

This is an awesome little place like craiglist, but with more focus on community. It is all about people coming together to buy and sell stuff in their own neighborhoods. Always use your best judgement when meeting people off the internet, meet in public places or have a friend with you.

Free Rice
Great game!
You guess at the meaning of the word provided and for each one you get right, the UN World Food Program donates 10 grains of rice to people in improvised countries. I play till I have 4 or 5 bowls of rice donated, how can you not feel good about that?!

Audrey Kawasaki
In a word, breathtaking. Oh wait, is that actually two words? It doesn't matter, this girl rocks my socks off! She creates the most beautiful shiny, creamy, vacant-eyed love children you have ever seen. Many are painted onto beautifully stained wood, the effect making the ethereal creatures transparent. What bliss for the eyes!

Well, I am going to get back to the insane pace my life has taken on this week and continue to drink copious amounts of green tea. I will be back soon with updates, what has you in love with life this week my darlings?


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