Monday, February 11, 2013


Ooooh. No posts for February yet...11 days in and not nary a single post.


I'm still here. Letting all the bullshit wash over me in a big bullshit tidal wave...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Happy Song - Beats Antique "Revival"

One of my favorite bands of all time. One of my favorite dancers of all time. One of my favorite videos of all time. Be sure to watch this all the way through if you haven't before. It's magical. :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Favorites

that photo above. I Love Lucy has always been one of my very favorite shows. I LOVE the look on Lucy's face in the above photo. Click the photo link. It's an amazing tumblr dedicated to everyone's favorite redhead.  

It's almost Girl Scout Cookie time! YAY! all the cooking/baking blogs I follow are all raving about the new Mango sandwich cookie debuting this year. Did you know that girl scouts used to bake the cookies themselves and they cost about 35 cents a dozen? I found this little history article really fun to read!

Still sober for January, and I actually feel and look better if I do say so myself. However I couldn't help but be intrigued by the fact that Starbucks has introduced "Starbucks Evenings" and is NOW SERVING WINE!! In select locations. But did you hear me? WINE AT STARBUCKS PEOPLE!

I LOVE marmalade, I love grapefruit. THIS grapefruit jam looks like an amazing combo of the 2. 

THIS photo shoot. I love it. I hate it. It makes me wonder why I question my art so often....

In addition to being sober for January, I was also trying to go sugar free...well that feel through the crapshoot. But I found THIS RECIPE and blog post about gals that are sugar free for January very inspiring.

We needed bigger hearts!! 

Have a great weekend!  

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I just went and edited my "about me" user profile.

I can't believe I used to be such a happy person that I asked people to join me while tripping the light fantastic. I mean, that was mostly tongue in cheek and very sarcastic and a reference to something my mother said long ago. But, I still can't get over how...completely immersed I was in happiness and positive thinking.  I faked it really hard for a long time in order to change myself into an actual happy person.

It really worked.

Till the world killed it.

Also, I have no idea how I removed my profile picture, but I somehow did. Oops. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Throw a little glitter on it

"It doesn't matter what you look like! I mean if you have a hunchback, just throw a little glitter on it, honey, and go dancing."  ~James St. James