Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And furthermore my self-control I can't rely on anymore...

So the discovery of, followed by the obsession with Led Zeppelin birthed an obsession with Robert Plant, that went so deep I began to dream about him. It reached a fevered pitch so high, I dreamt he made me peanut butter fudge...*sigh*...Robert take me away!

I was listening to his album Now And Zen, and realized I really love Crazy Ship of Fools. So, I went in search of a video to share with you. This is the official one credited as being "from the Nine Lives box set". Wow, did I come across a gem! This video is so the epitome of what cheesy 1980's love songs should look like! I love it so much! He dances with silk scarves! He practically makes out with the camera! Look at his stacked hair! Eeeeeek! I sat in front of the computer and creamed my jeans. God I love Robert Plant.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The page-a-day

"Set your own priorities; live life the way you want to, with your own set of values. Stop running around simply because you have to "keep up". "

Yesterdays page from the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff calendar.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Daze for your Holly

(<---The inside of one of the lovely cinnamon rolls The Man baked on Thanksgiving morning)
So, I guess I am getting to this thing about once a month. Except I missed November completely....and that makes me sad, cause I like November. It has Thanksgiving and I decided this year that I really like Thanksgiving.

In comparison it's a really fricken easy holiday. There is little pressure if you tune out your family and drink enough. I had a damn fine Thanksgiving this year. The food is always good too, so the only trouble is making it. Which is not really a problem for me, I just was thrown off by how to time it all. We smoked, and drank, and watched Bubble Boy. I was thoroughly spoiled by having a full kitchen (albeit apartment sized, but still so much bigger than the last one) and getting to cook dinner, it was so...RAD!

I also started this here blog last November, so I missed my blog birthday too. Oops. I guess I was pre-occupied with trying to keep a job that I didn't fit into. I was in a really hard spot this time last year, and this little writing spot has helped heaps.

So we are coming to the end of the year, and as always I am freaking out about all the stuff I didn't get done and how I feel panicked that my life is going nowhere, and I am gonna turn into a fat old cat lady. With just one more month till my birthday, and it being another birthday that takes me closer to 30, I am a little...anxious.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Giddy up chocolate chip!

Wow I have lived decadently as of late, it has been bliss. I am really bored and uninspired in the world of the written word too, and, am beginning to wonder if Tallulah was right...leave the journal keeping to the good girls.
Gosh life has been good though. I mean, I still have a boring desk job, and need a little more time to be creative. But, I have learned you kinda have to force those things. You really have to do those things. Just with the little bit I have been making myself dance every day has done wonders for my self-esteem.

I love dance. Dance makes me so happy. I did a different belly dance video last week, and it was very inspiring. I don't work them every day, I take some of the things they taught and then drill them throughout the day. I am really weak right now, and very lazy/tired/gluttonous. SO....I am working at my own pace ok! Get off my back man, geeze.

The Man and I are loving the new place, I will post pics soon. But to be perfectly honest, I am not super happy with blogger's picture posting options...and that frustrates me. So, no picture till I figure that out.

And now I need sleep, since I have smoked myself retarded again.

Peace out.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

There it goes again

Wow, so, so much.

I moved!
I have a job!
I have inspiration!
I also got very sick, bought my first major appliance with The Man (eeeep!), made new friends, questioned friendships with others, grew up, digressed, lost my mind and found it.

Party time!

It's late, and I have to be up early to go to this job...which is so boring I know, but it has paid for the rent on a new and much larger place, and a fridge for said place (I have had ice cream from my own freezer in my own fridge for 3 nights in a row now, I am gonna get so fat! It's gonna rock!)

I hope all is well in the worlds of those that read my ramblings, there is so much to share...and now I really have to clip my nails so they will stop dragging on the bass strings and driving me to distraction while I pluck my way through TV commercials.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Robert Plant!

I love, love, LOVE Led Zeppelin!
There was a whole block of their songs on KLOS on the way home in honor of Robert Plant's 61st birthday, it was awesome.
So now, all the best of a Robert Plant search, Happy Birthday Robert! Keep rockin'!

robert plant Pictures, Images and Photos

Robert Anthony Plant

robert plant Pictures, Images and Photos

Led Zeppelin In The Late 60's

robert plant

Led zeppelin Pictures, Images and Photos

Jimmy Page y Robert Plant a las 6h

plant Pictures, Images and Photos

Peter Grant/Robert Plant, 1975

robert plant 1988 Pictures, Images and Photos

Led Zeppelin

Time Suck

W Pomona Fwy &amp; I- 10, Los Angeles, CA , United States
Photo by Stephan.Com

Wow, time has flown by!

This makes me nervous, they say it gets faster and faster the older you get...and lately it has warped by! They also say: "if you want to make God laugh, make a plan". Well, I am here to tell you it's true, she will laugh, and then fuck it all up for you. True story, it has happened my whole life. I think I just started to understand this though, and now am a little better prepared to use it to my advantage. Over the last few months I can very clearly see where this has happened, and...may be able to see it coming. Or at least have the back up plan more ready.

In Feb. I started to look for a new job, I had been with my former company for almost 2 years and it was not going well. I was bored, really bored. I was very closely watched (my work anyway) by the other girls in my department, so I didn't really ever have to think. If it wasn't right someone else was just gonna check it anyway, and half the time they just redid it themselves what was the point of paying attention. Then I got really upset and panicked that I was wasting my life away in a dull office, and wasn't being creative, all because I have to pay rent. So labored on the quarter-life crisis. Then there was a pay cut in may '08, then another one in Nov. '08...and I wasn't making enough money to do anything nice, was just barely eating between paychecks. I wasn't going to move up because no one was very excited for me to train with them, even though I didn't want to be in billing and had only applied due to the 30% raise it offered over my last job. Well, nothing panned out. I decided it was better to stay where I was, even if the pay was crap, and work on my many projects (dance, guitar, bass, reading, handmade cards, boxes, and clothes) to try and do something I love for a living.

Then I was laid off. I mean within weeks of me giving up the job search. I was lost. I knew it was coming, but I didn't really believe it...cause I was told I was safe....or so they thought. The thing is the company is struggling, and had to cut people. The Man and I were freaked, but hopeful. He was out of work too, so although we were gonna spend a lot of time together (yay!), it was gonna be really tight on the money front (boo!).

So we went to Texas to visit a friend that was about to have a baby! And I blew all my savings on plane tickets, food, and things for the baby(I didn't have very much money I was broke the whole time I was there anyhow). I thought "they'll be unemployment money when I get home! Who cares if I'm broke, I'm having FUN!" And while that's all well and good, and my focus is usually to have sucks not to be able to eat. And the next few months were all about the hustle, even if it was for a few extra bucks. I had all kinds of time to do things, and it still didn't happen, as I was so distracted with my man, and my money situation. But boy have I had fun!

Then, as I restart my plans, with a fresh outlook, all newly inspired, with a new list of of the temp agencies called, they had a job for me! Haha! Another plan out the window! God laughs again! So, I am writing to you from my desk, at a big corporate machine...bored. I took it, and will keep it because...I need the money. It's doesn't mean I will give up on my projects, dreams, or motivation...but I will be able to pay off my credit card this way, and that thing has so much interest it has to go! I am flushing money out the window every month on a card I didn't think I would have more than a year! EEEeeps!

The last 3 months have flown by! I have so many pictures that still have to be edited to post...and for some weird reason computer at home has been super slow (probably because I have so many photos to back up!), so progress is slow going. But, I will not give up. Have to up the ante now, and take on more than I am used to. I realize more of my planning faults now, and will update more often the way I do things. And, ajust to whatever hits long as I keep going, I may one day out smart the Goddess in her constant laughing at me...but I doubt it.


Edited at 10:30pm to add: This is post #69, Holla!