A really late edition of the Friday Favorites, because I had an off day. There are a lot of those when your unemployed....I slept late, then had to go down to the unemployment office to see what the fuck they have done with my checks cause I haven't gotten a single one and I am starting to worry about how I'll be paying my half of the rent....So they tell me they are gonna send out all the unsent claim forms at once tomorrow morning, and I should get them Tuesday. Which doesn't help me secure any money for my trip to Austin Texas next week, but poverty makes you creative. So there's that to be grateful for. I have fought the funk for the past week, but it's getting the better of me tonight and I may just scrounge up money for beer and call it a day. Here is what has made me smile this week on the web, hope it adds glitter and rainbows to your world! *cheesy smile that twinkles in the corner of my mouth*.
♥ I know everyone in creation has heard about it and it's 15 minutes are probably up and now I sound old, but
Texts from Last Night still makes me happy!
♥ Coco de Mer. Drool. The photography is to die for, the toys themselves are to die for, uber expensive price tag...just go drool over it now! (sex toy site. Not safe for work, or... if you are shy)
♥ Desert Sin Dance Company, also a big drool here. All the beautiful ladies, the dancing, I love it. Just love it!
♥ This awesome Strawberry Shortcake on a
STICK! Who wants to have a bonfire so we can make these?
♥ Cupcakes on a
STICK! (it's warm and sunny out, time for food on a stick!)
♥ Goth bathing suits, just in time for summer (can you tell I am so happy the weather is warmer?).
♥ Also from Haute Macabre. I LOVE this
photo spread (it's from
Agent Provocateur's Season of the witch collection! So amazing [not safe for work]).
♥ Luxe & Less, how to have a fab time on little money. It's a time of being broke, and I am glad this reminds me to be thankful for the little things.
♥ I am totally making one of
♥ What is your
Definite Major Purpose?
♥ Ron Mexico talks about one of the new books on
♥ There is a new issue of
Steampunk Magazine!!
Ok, that's all for now my lovelies! Have a great weekend!