Sunday, March 10, 2013

Well behaved women

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday Happy Song- Candi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

Lucia Joyce, 1929

Still here, still working on it

February was ok, a blur, but ok.

I've started all these self-help things to help drag me out of the muck. They are all taking too long to work, I have such short patience with myself. I started acupuncture for various things, I've had 2 sessions, my 3rd is today. It's interesting. It does something, what I'm not sure yet. Continuing yoga.  I love yoga. I would do it every day if I could. One day, with enough work maybe I can get there.I do walk every day though. The hikes with the Mr. have fallen off the radar for now, but I walk at work every day. I have lost 10 pounds. Just 20 more to go and I'll be back to my BAMF amazing looking self. There is the not small matter of how weak and flabby I am, but I'm hoping that will go with the weight.

Ok, now for songs and pretty pictures. Enough of my crap 'eh?

Monday, February 11, 2013


Ooooh. No posts for February yet...11 days in and not nary a single post.


I'm still here. Letting all the bullshit wash over me in a big bullshit tidal wave...