Showing posts with label social issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social issues. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Former Harvard Sex Blogger: My Ex-Boyfriend Leaking Nude Pictures of Me Changed Who I Am—Forever


" be honest, I don’t want to be on TV explaining why young men today can be driven by romantic rejection to kill, why women are afraid to use the Internet, why I no longer feel safe in America. What happened to me was not an occupational hazard of feminism. It’s an occupational hazard of being a woman. Men’s bodies are not used as weapons against them, and shame is a language that women have learned from birth. We are told that sex is something that can hurt us, that we have to constantly be on the defensive lest we attract negative attention. If we are criticized or attacked, we are asked what we did to deserve it."

This is a huge reason I don't want to even discuss feminism or women's issues at all any longer. The only people that argue how hard it is to be female in this world are men, and none of them think it's hard at all. Or if it is, it's not their fault...enter one actually wants to be empathetic, and until more people do, this world isn't going to change.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nat Turner’s rebellion begins

August 21st 1831: Nat Turner’s rebellion begins

On this day in 1831 the Virginian slave Nat Turner began the deadliest slave rebellion the United States had ever seen, which resulted in the deaths of 55 whites. Turner, a slave preacher, had come to believe that God intended for him to lead a black uprising against the injustice of slavery. In the evening of August 21st 1831, Turner and his co-conspirators met in the woods to make their plans and early the next morning began the rebellion by killing Turner’s master’s family. Turner and his men, who soon numbered over 80, then went from house to house assaulting the white inhabitants. Eventually a local militia, and then federal and state troops, confronted the rebels and dispersed the group. Turner himself initially evaded capture but was captured on October 30th. Subsequently Turner, along with over fifty other rebels, was executed. However the retribution for Nat Turner’s rebellion did not end there. The uprising sent shockwaves across the South, and while full scale rebellion such as Turner’s was rare in the Deep South due to the rigid enforcement of the slave system, caused widespread fear of another rebellion. In the ensuing hysteria over 200 innocent black slaves were killed by white mobs. Turner’s rebellion came close to ending slavery in Virginia, as in its wake the state legislature considered abolishing the ‘peculiar institution’. However the measure was voted down and instead the state decided to increase plantation discipline and limit slaves’ autonomy even further by banning them from acting as preachers and learning to read. Similar measures were adopted across the slave-holding South and thus Nat Turner’s rebellion increased the South’s commitment to slavery, despite undermining the pro-slavery argument that it was a benevolent system and slaves were content. Turner has left behind a complicated legacy, with some seeing him as an African-American hero and others as a religious fanatic and villain; his memory raises the eternal question of whether violence is justified to bring about necessary change.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

fuck FB - in support of #yesallwomen

Also, I am back off Facebook for 30 days. So I will be posting here randomly a LOT more often. YAY!

I really hate facebook, I really do. I mean, I also love it and as I have said before: it's the number 1 way i keep in touch with my family now. But, it's also full of idiots and I can't deal any longer. I am really hitting a very bad spot in my depression, and I need to really work on that now and I can't argue or worry about the idiots anymore.

Which is so funny, cause this blog is public, and so all the world can see it, and I get less bullshit over here than on my private FB page. Weird.

The straw the broke the camels back was #yesallwomen, and the bruised ego response from many men really startled and upset me. This was a subject that ignited passion in me I hadn't felt in a long while. One of my facebook friends went to his own page and basically subtweeted me with a long rant on how men fantasize about coming across a woman being raped so that they can save her, and that all rapist can be killed and that it's not fair that men need to do this all the time. That it is a woman's responsibility to be able to defend herself, to keep in shape so she can harm an attacker on a moments notice and that not enough women are carrying guns. I was enraged. The whole point was lost on this person and many more like him.

The point is that we should be raising people not to rape and kill each other to begin with! But, that's too hard...just hand everyone a gun and let it all work itself out.

Anyhow, there are many good stories going around about this, and I'm at work, and have to get actual work I am just gonna pass this off to you to look into, I encourage you to read all about it and I'll come rant some more later.Included below are many articles from the guys that did get it and are in support of yesallwomen...I wish there were more men like this out there....


I Am Not an Angry Feminist. I'm a Furious One.

Not All Men: How Discussing Women's Issues Gets Derailed

California killer's misogynist rants inspire #YesAllWomen

Your Princess is in Another Castle 

Yes, All Men