Showing posts with label frustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frustration. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Zooey Deschanel Reminds Us it's Okay to Not Want Kids

Which is nice...though I still get treated like a freak for regularly. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

fuck FB - in support of #yesallwomen

Also, I am back off Facebook for 30 days. So I will be posting here randomly a LOT more often. YAY!

I really hate facebook, I really do. I mean, I also love it and as I have said before: it's the number 1 way i keep in touch with my family now. But, it's also full of idiots and I can't deal any longer. I am really hitting a very bad spot in my depression, and I need to really work on that now and I can't argue or worry about the idiots anymore.

Which is so funny, cause this blog is public, and so all the world can see it, and I get less bullshit over here than on my private FB page. Weird.

The straw the broke the camels back was #yesallwomen, and the bruised ego response from many men really startled and upset me. This was a subject that ignited passion in me I hadn't felt in a long while. One of my facebook friends went to his own page and basically subtweeted me with a long rant on how men fantasize about coming across a woman being raped so that they can save her, and that all rapist can be killed and that it's not fair that men need to do this all the time. That it is a woman's responsibility to be able to defend herself, to keep in shape so she can harm an attacker on a moments notice and that not enough women are carrying guns. I was enraged. The whole point was lost on this person and many more like him.

The point is that we should be raising people not to rape and kill each other to begin with! But, that's too hard...just hand everyone a gun and let it all work itself out.

Anyhow, there are many good stories going around about this, and I'm at work, and have to get actual work I am just gonna pass this off to you to look into, I encourage you to read all about it and I'll come rant some more later.Included below are many articles from the guys that did get it and are in support of yesallwomen...I wish there were more men like this out there....


I Am Not an Angry Feminist. I'm a Furious One.

Not All Men: How Discussing Women's Issues Gets Derailed

California killer's misogynist rants inspire #YesAllWomen

Your Princess is in Another Castle 

Yes, All Men

Friday, September 27, 2013


Supreme frustration today.
All kinds of stuff all over the place.

Oh this life. This human experience.

Links later. After getting off work, getting to the store, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen, taking care of sick partner and sarcastic SD...all while trying not to trip over obnoxious cat. I tripped over her 2 nights ago, scared the shit out of me. Hurt too.

I'll have an ankle update as well later tonight, but, I was told to walk on it yesterday (again) and it's a good thing cause otherwise everyone would have stayed home and caught sick partner's cold (we probably will anyway...unless I gave him this one cause I got it from co-workers last week...)

Anyhow, that's may rant for now. Guess I gotta go feed myself something.
