Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

How was your 2009? Are you sad to see it go? Happy it's finally over? Whichever it is, I bet you'll never forget it, changed lives this year did. Lol, how very Yoda...

This was a huge year for me, my only wish being that I worked harder to record some of it. But, i am doing this whole fly by the seat of my pants thing...and it hasn't been all bad. I am absorbing, and experiencing life as it happens. I have nothing to prove, and only myself to please in this little spot, so...I guess it's just another punch I will choose to roll with.

That is part of a whole list of things I have learned this year, that you need to roll with the punches. Life is gonna throw all kinds of stuff your way, and staying positive and letting most of it roll off your back helps tons. The Man called this a rebuilding year, and I have to agree. I rebuilt, I looked inside myself, and changed the way I look at the world. I grew up a lot.

I have lost two jobs this year, and for the five years before that I was not without gainful employment for a second. For five years I had a job to go to every day of my life, I had someplace I reported, and turned off my own head to sell dog sweaters, ship digibeats or file paper work. Not having to do that was, scary, fun, a...relief. I have been blessed with a chance to look at myself, and the person I want to be. I have found myself at the precipice, and am going with the less safe, but more personally rewarding path. I have big plans for 2010, that all revolve not going back to a room lit with fluorescent bulbs. I want to make up my own day.

I have thought about this a lot, and slowly set wheels in motion. All in my own good time. And well, I am ready to go out on some bigger limbs now. I have talked, talked, talked about all the things I am gonna do, and none of it comes to fruition. So this year, I am just diving in.


2009 was hard. America changed forever as it sunk into deeper depression, and people re-thought the way they look at money, jobs, and lifestyles. And in the circle of friends I have, I have not heard many complaints. Most of the people I know were worse of financially, but came together as friends, allies, and support teams. I have not once felt alone, and I think that says a lot about the way things will go in the future.

We have all been humbled this year, and I think it has been great. I am so thankful for the people in my life, no matter what their outlook on 2009 is, because it taught me something.

I look forward to going out tonight and watching Travis Pastrana jump into Long Beach Harbor, drinking in a room we rented for the occasion (in true recession style, splitting the bill with good friends, and bringing our own booze!), watching the fireworks and kissing The Man at midnight. I look forward to 2010, and welcome all the new ways I will grow.

So, what are you doing tonight? What do you look forward to in the fresh, new year ahead of you?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And furthermore my self-control I can't rely on anymore...

So the discovery of, followed by the obsession with Led Zeppelin birthed an obsession with Robert Plant, that went so deep I began to dream about him. It reached a fevered pitch so high, I dreamt he made me peanut butter fudge...*sigh*...Robert take me away!

I was listening to his album Now And Zen, and realized I really love Crazy Ship of Fools. So, I went in search of a video to share with you. This is the official one credited as being "from the Nine Lives box set". Wow, did I come across a gem! This video is so the epitome of what cheesy 1980's love songs should look like! I love it so much! He dances with silk scarves! He practically makes out with the camera! Look at his stacked hair! Eeeeeek! I sat in front of the computer and creamed my jeans. God I love Robert Plant.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The page-a-day

"Set your own priorities; live life the way you want to, with your own set of values. Stop running around simply because you have to "keep up". "

Yesterdays page from the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff calendar.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Daze for your Holly

(<---The inside of one of the lovely cinnamon rolls The Man baked on Thanksgiving morning)
So, I guess I am getting to this thing about once a month. Except I missed November completely....and that makes me sad, cause I like November. It has Thanksgiving and I decided this year that I really like Thanksgiving.

In comparison it's a really fricken easy holiday. There is little pressure if you tune out your family and drink enough. I had a damn fine Thanksgiving this year. The food is always good too, so the only trouble is making it. Which is not really a problem for me, I just was thrown off by how to time it all. We smoked, and drank, and watched Bubble Boy. I was thoroughly spoiled by having a full kitchen (albeit apartment sized, but still so much bigger than the last one) and getting to cook dinner, it was so...RAD!

I also started this here blog last November, so I missed my blog birthday too. Oops. I guess I was pre-occupied with trying to keep a job that I didn't fit into. I was in a really hard spot this time last year, and this little writing spot has helped heaps.

So we are coming to the end of the year, and as always I am freaking out about all the stuff I didn't get done and how I feel panicked that my life is going nowhere, and I am gonna turn into a fat old cat lady. With just one more month till my birthday, and it being another birthday that takes me closer to 30, I am a little...anxious.