Showing posts with label Grilled Cheese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grilled Cheese. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Short life update, Grilled Cheese love, That One Guy

Happy...Wednesday. If I had a 9 to 5 job anymore this would be monumental 'cause it would mean it was Hump Day, or that the week was half through. As far as work goes it's Monday for me, I just got another reel of transcribing from Laurel Canyon Productions. Yay! This one may end up paying less, it's shorter. But whatever, it's money.

The Man is doing his part on it now, I work on the second half so it'll be a couple of hours before I can start. Which is fine, it's been a pretty blah day for me. I don't like this day. This fifth of May, this Cinco de Mayo, this Battle of Pueblo celebration day. Blah on that. Blah on you. But, it's better than it has been, best attitude in years actually. I thought about going downtown to Olivera Street and watching the parade, the aztec dancers, drink the margaritas. But, I don't have the energy, and I should go see my father. This is my mother's Death Day and my father should not be all alone. In six years he has only gotten crazier and, shouldn't be all alone. So we'll go to dinner later or something, I have to go find my younger sister and that's a whole other matter which may require hours of tracking I don't feel like doing right now.


Let's talk about happier stuff that happened earlier this week and of course last week cause I didn't recap about The Grilled Cheese Invitational and all it's rad-ness.

First I am gonna wind back to January, when I didn't have a computer and was doing all my blog posting (and blog reading, and other goofing off cause I had nothing better to do) from that amazingly boring temp job in Hollywood. So, I couldn't upload photos and I wanted to show you a few pretty cool ones of That One Guy. Mostly cause I need the ego boost today, but also cause I had a mild freak out last week (2 weeks ago? Fuck the old brain is starting to go...damn weed.) about my photography...and had a fit. I have since regretted said fit and am trying to convince myself again that I am capable of making a living as a photographer.

I have been pretty lazy about my own photographs since the computer died in Jan. and haven't water marked or edited at all really, these are straight out of camera...but I like them. So, there.

Also, our apartment building almost burned down when one of the microwaves upstairs caught fire, and I went to the beach with Jillian and we took pictures. Fun!

I have lots to upload, but I wanna talk grilled cheese before I forget all the damn details since I am such a procrastinator.

We had such a blast! I competed in the Karma Sutra category, but completely forgot to take a picture of my sandwich! Duh!
This year was Jim's Garden Dream, a name I made up at the last minute. I entered at the last minute cause I never got an email telling me registration was open...So without ample time to consider my endless choices I went with a sandwich my father used to make in my youth. Rye bread, sharp cheddar, tomato, onion, and DILL pickle relish and butter. YUM! It's SO freaking good. It's this weird tangy, sour, creamy taste. The rye, sharp cheddar and dill all play off each other so well, it's tangy from each one, then smooth from the cheese and sweet from the tomato. My dad's original had mustard (EW! GROSS!) and margarine, but I try not to use margarine very often cause...well, it's plastic.

There are 3 categories, Missionary (bread cheese and butter), Karma Sutra(bread, 60% cheese any other ingredients [meat, veggies, fruit, whatever] and butter) and Honey Pot (bread, cheese, any other ingredients and butter, but sweet, for desert.

I was in the middle of people with serious edge, and I had no gimmick. So I didn't win anything, and I didn't really try. I liked my sandwich, I was going to have fun, and all of that came together so beautifully.

The guy behind me was a professional chef at the Allston Yacht Club, which is on Echo Park Ave and no where near anyplace you should park a Yacht.

His sandwich was Guinness braised short ribs with horseradish mousse, grilled onions and melted feta cheese. The Man was floored.

The girls beside me were not pros I don't think, but they did make their whole grain raisin breadthemselves. With peppers that they grew at home too. Annnnnd...that's all I know about that one since they weren't very friendly with other competitors before grilling, which is fine, I just didn't get a picture or a taste.

Porkgasem had bacon, onion and cheese, these girls rocked! They were so happy to be there!

Some of the Honey Pot competitors:

Go Lakers had peanut butter, banana, mascarpone cheese, butter; and then they rolled it in cinnamon sugar. OH MY GOD! YUMMY!

Fudge You was also amazing:

Chocolate Bread (yes, I said CHOCOLATE BREAD!), a slab of homemade fudge and guerre cheese. This was surprising, the cheese was creamy, the fudge was very creamy (almost fluffy too, like thick frosting), then the salty was brought out of the cheese with all this sweet.

It was really, interesting. I was only disappointed by the chocolate bread, which was overpowered and had little flavor.

This one won best in show and best Honey Pot category:

I took this picture of a sample the lady next to us got though, she held it up for me. So, I didn't actually sample the sandwich, but I heard it was lovely. The winners look happy right?

Yay for Grilled Cheese!

I could have sworn this was Gala Darling:

I thought I knew this girl, but was so tired I didn't feel like trying to explain if it turned out I didn't know her (I know, I'm lame) so I didn't go say hi. Instead like the weirdo I am I took her picture to ask a mutual friend was her!

Opera singer Rachel Staples! Hi Rachel!

More grilled cheese loving rock-tacular people:

Me, with beer:


We also ran into The Man's friend/cousin in law Scott and his lovely wife Julia. Yay for pictures taken by others drinking in beer gardens! Beer gardens rock! (Actually, on a side note I was disappointed the first time I entered one cause there was little actual garden part. Silly me, I thought we were going to drink beer in a grass and plant filled place.)

I then dragged myself to the car and dragged myself home where I fell asleep by 7:30pm.