Friday, December 11, 2015

So, you think you're gonna have a good day, then 2 managers need to tell you you  asked a stupid question and 40mins after clocking in you fall on your face for the first time today.

This is just my day job, these people don't matter. This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.

I was up till 2am arranging tubs of flowers and hanging Scott Weiland posters for the tribute tonight!!
I still rock at art. THAT'S what matters.

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