Friday, July 24, 2009

New Hair

I know, I haven't been around. But there are big life changes taking place, I'll be back to tell you all about them! That and my internet is all it doesn't always work.

Until all this is processed, please enjoy pictures of my new hair.

New Hair

New Hair

Monday, July 13, 2009


Sydney Hobbit

Wow, the start of another week. It is amazing how fast it all goes by huh? I can't believe how fast it all goes, the days just flow into one another lately. It's not bad or good really, just is...startling.

The Man has a project coming up in about a week, and will have steady work for the rest of the year. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that he will have work, that the bills won't be such a worry. It has been really hard these last 2 months, both of us out of work. We have just barely scraped by each day, some days cause we didn't eat. And as much as that sucks, as hard as it has been, I have enjoyed every second. I spent each day, all day almost, with the man I love. A man I am so crazy about, that when it hit me he won't be here next week while I washed my hands in the bathroom I teared up! Tears! I came out of the bathroom and hugged him so tight, I'm gonna miss him being around. He was so flattered, he said "oh you really do love me!" of course I do silly. So very, very much.

So, now that I am done gushing, on to the wonderful, inspiring things taking up my mind space. I have a whole list of links that were supposed to be up on Friday, and photos, lots of stuff to talk about. I only have 45 minutes to do it in this post, so let's see how far I get!

Being so broke does amazing things to you, it has been a test of strength. I have learned so much! I am so thankful for food, I thank the goddess for each morsel that passes my lips. As a result I have become more creative in the kitchen (pictures soon), and am looking at a LOT of food porn. I have been craving everything on the planet it seems!

Bakerella's pancakes make me drool...Want! Blueberries were on sale this week, so I may make these. They look SO worth it.

Pioneer Women also made me drool this week. I am vegetarian, but there is a bunch of stuff on her 4th of July goodies list that made me salivate.

♥ As did Ezra Pound Cake, twice! I was gonna make these Cherry Fried Pies, but I had to save the cherries cause they were so pretty, I had to take pictures! Well, I have been very self-conscious about my photography for the last month...and a half...and the cherries sat, and sat, and then rotted and died and had to be thrown out. I think I am over the photography snag, I think I just have to make sure I don't care what other people think of me, cause I get hurt too easily that way...but the cherries still died, and so no pictures, no pie...for now.

♥ 4th of July weekend I was obsessed with Oreos, and Solstice weekend I was obsessed with Smores, it was total kismet that the folks at CakeSpy put the two together! Drool!

And now I am all fooded out.

Here is a picture of a squashed bird on my street to change the subject:


I thought that dead birds were haunting me for awhile, I found them everywhere. I try to make sure to take a picture each time now, cause I'm gonna turn it into some freaky art exhibit.

Awake at the Wheel is starting a great series on the health zapping side effects of blogging.

Doe Deere is always a rainbow of amazing clothing choices, her bright way of dressing has inspired me lately to add more fantastic pieces to the way I dress. I used to dress in all kinds of fantastic things, I always loved to look as weird as possible. That changed in my early twenties, and I haven't thought about it till recently. Clothing really effects the way we feel, and the way we feel effects the way we act. So, you should dress in a manner that makes you feel good right? Well, what if the rest of the world doesn't like the way you dress? That can make it hard to want to look that way, and this creates all kinds of inner conflict. Here Ms. Deere talks about some of the things you can do to dress in your outlandish best and not let the masses get you down.

And that's all we have time for this post, I gotta go run around this great city of Angeles. Have a great day!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cheap Eats

Dinner for a dollar!

This was dinner one night last week, and it rocked.

It rocked hard.

The best part of course being I think it only cost about $1.25 for the meal! Score!

Dinner for a dollar!

What you see pictured is Kraft Mac&Cheese (the 3 cheese flavor, which rocks), with fresh chopped garlic and pepper mixed into the sauce. Then chop some brocolli and throw that in, make some iced tea (tea bags, water, lemon) and your all set!

I did 2 cloves of garlic, and it was way overpowering. So, go with one.

Dinner for a dollar!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Goodbye Farrah!

Farrah Fawcett funeral

Farrah Fawcett was laid to rest here in Los Angeles yesterday, after a service at Our Lady of Angeles church. The above photo currently has the highest rating of the week on my Flickr photo stream. I'm not sure why, the one next to it doesn't have the blurry blob on the left side...but whatever.

The Man and I went down there for a different project we're working on, and I snapped some quick pictures of the chaos on the street.

Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos

I am wasn't a big fan of Ms. Fawcett, she was a little before my time. But, she was an icon. Had a tough bout with cancer, and I hope the afterlife is kind to her. She was lovely, and will be missed by those that loved her. We left before the service was over, but saw it on the news last night. I thought it was touching that Ryan O'Neal went back for one last look at the casket before it drove away.

Love never dies.
