Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Krampus is coming, Merry Christmas!

I almost totally forgot that tonight and tomorrow night (December 5th and/or 6th depending on the source it seems) are Krampusnacht where we celebrate the evil Krampus as he comes to take little children that were bad this year down to HELL. Then, Santa will bring the good little children presents. It's so amazingly scary and so much better balanced than lumps of coal, dontcha think? 

What would our world be like if we had a Krampus here in America and not just lumps of coal? Or, for many, no lumps of real consequences for your bad behavior at all...
I was first introduced to the Krampus when I came across THIS little book at some book store in god-knows-where-Hell-A. Then, I instantly fell in love. My older sister doesn't understand the fascination  but, he's akin to The Devil and keeps spoiled brats in check. What's not to like? Plus, he is featured in lots of amazing, beautiful and cleaver Victorian era postcards and artwork:

Also, we went and got our tree tonight, our first tree in 4 years and our first real full sized tree. SO excited. Our Christmas season has begun! Huzzah! 
More on that later.

DO IT! Do the thing!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


It was a hard week...
Thanksgiving was, hard. Thanksgiving weekend was also hard, and so for the last week and a half I have been backsliding into sadness and bad habits. It's been gloomy and rainy all week as well, which hasn't helped. I did go to belly dance last Tuesday, but that and a half-assed walk on Monday are all the exercise I did last week. I can feel myself getting fatter again.


Gotta get back on that horse tomorrow. Back to the back lot hills, the meditation, jounal-ing, eating smart. I ate so much sugar today...

Last Monday a life changing event came to pass, and I have yet to be able to completely allow the relief wash over me. I have learned so well that any type of relief in my life that allows me to let my guard down is false. That I personally should never let my guard down, for any reason, cause it only comes back to haunt me. I have been told, by a couple people, but most noticeably by a gifted dance master I desperately wanted acceptance from, that when I let my guard down I become lazy and my work unacceptable. SO, in turn I am either anxious and over working, or I give up on any good coming from anything I do and become depressed and despondent...and now that I have articulated this in words I sound manic and crazy.


SO, right now I feel fat, sad and...well, crazy.

Back on that horse tomorrow...get back on that horse.


This creature is actually helping keep me sane.