Saturday, May 6, 2017

Oops, another Saturday with no Saturday happy song.
Sorry about that guys!
I have been so pre-occupied with all the other stuff in life. Thankfully there has been a lot of creative stuff going on as well and I will try and share some of that with you soon. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017


I started S-Town, totally unaware of what it was about. I am halfway through chapter 4 and...crying. I can't decide if I can finish it. Even though I know I have to, it may take a really long time. The parallels between the protagonist and my father, this man's life and death, are startling.

I guess that's all the update I really have. I'm home sick. I have a company laptop and cell phone so there is no excuse not to get work done. I guess it's a kind of perk that I don't have to use sick days, and I hope I am paid out for them at the end of the year...though I doubt it. So, I'm working from home, listening to S-Town on NPR...and trying not to totally lose it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 update in a while.

I'm still here, toiling away. The depression has gotten so bad I am in full hate myself mode. I haven't done anything about it and it's getting worse. So, I need to stop feeding it. I have to embrace spring, and sunshine and cleaning and go back to fighting for the things I want to do.

I signed up for Shimmy Mob today even though I can't really afford it. It's gonna make me dance again and I haven't been real great at doing that on my own...

So, that's something.