Saturday, March 4, 2017

Photo update Feb 2017 - Part 1

Valentines I made for the girlfriends of the other guys in Steve's band + one for a great friend Clarissa.(I could only manage this many this year, sorry I didn't get any out in the mail to anyone!!)

 My co-worker has a whole bunch of fruit trees in her backyard! She brought me all the beautiful citrus!
 Flowers for Valentine's Day from the aforementioned amazing Clarissa.
 Last of my tomatoes from the plant I got at 99 cent store that Steve kept alive. 
 Screw the roses, I got Mexican food for Valentines day, cause he knows the real way to my heart!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"I know a drugstore cowgirl, so afraid of getting bored. She's always running from something, so many things ignored."


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ok, in a panicked moment I was calculating a gross income and a net income and got confused.
I'miss coming out about even...
So, now that I have adjusted (down) my health insurance and what I am contributing to my 401K, I actually make over a grand less PER MONTH at this job than I did at the last one.

I am so beyond fucked you guys. 
I have to stay off Facebook. God help me some of the people I know are huge fucking idiots. All the conservative crazies are on one friend list, and for awhile I thought it was amusing to check in, but, it's just depressing now...
And besides, I was given another show to oversee at work and I'm confused and fucking up all the time, so I should focus on media is a good escape from all my actual worries and feelings, so I like it, but I think it might be helping my depression along. I have to go back to really trying for healthy habits and not just eating sugar all the time and hating myself. ..but it's been hard.