Tuesday, August 2, 2016


“The Mermaid” by John Reinhard Weguelin.

Monday, August 1, 2016

April Rose, by Nei’ Mad photography.
April Rose, by Nei’ Mad photography.
Poster by Franz Stuck for the International Hygiene Exhibition held in Dresden, Germany, 1911
(source was VintageGal on Tumblr...she deactiveated her account :'-( )

Marilyn Monroe photographed by Richard Avedon, 1958.
What a day...

Got sooooo drunk on Saturday night...spent too much money, killed too many brain cells...I was going to go dance tonight but I can't really afford it, and, Steve is sick...I need to go get some good ginger ale and check on him, I might not make it to class. We'll see. If not I just need to push through an hour of practice on my own, need to make that happen for sure.