The fleeting embers of a bouquet of roses was brilliantly constructed and photographed by the creative team at Ars Thanea in Warsaw, Poland. The Ash
as they have titled it, is arresting, poetic and kinda makes you think,
“Why didn't someone do this sooner for a number of purposes?”
"We all dream sometimes, about something we want to have or do. Luckily, if we have enough patience, a real willingness and at least a pinch of determination we are able to make our dream come true. Our experience has also thought us to have the best and the right people beside you, because they are the main ingredient of every success. So this time we wanted to share with you guys a result of an idea and a great cooperation to make it real. “The Ash” - came to our minds as a simple thought - glowing roses - maybe as a some kind of symbol or maybe as a simple whim."
via BoingBoing
(My source)
"We all dream sometimes, about something we want to have or do. Luckily, if we have enough patience, a real willingness and at least a pinch of determination we are able to make our dream come true. Our experience has also thought us to have the best and the right people beside you, because they are the main ingredient of every success. So this time we wanted to share with you guys a result of an idea and a great cooperation to make it real. “The Ash” - came to our minds as a simple thought - glowing roses - maybe as a some kind of symbol or maybe as a simple whim."
via BoingBoing
(My source)