Thursday, May 21, 2015

I've been around 44 years now, and I've been a round boy for most of those years as well. I always imagined thinner people were happier than me - but after losing 80 pounds, I can't say that I'm any happier than I was as a fat-ass. I'm not complaining, mind you: I just imagined I'd feel differently. I imagined I'd know a different kind of happiness than I'd never known before. Instead, I wound up learning what I consider to be the Secret of Happiness.
As an American, I was raised to believe I was entitled to 100% happiness, all day every day, until I died. But in our Declaration of Independence, we’re granted only the PURSUIT of happiness -
not actual happiness. The founders of this country were smart not to promise the tired, the poor and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free too much of a good thing.

The good news is that the pursuit of happiness is way better than being happy any day. The irony is that actual happiness blasts us across our faces, necks and chests all the time - but we’re so busy chasing the elusive notion of what happiness is to us at that moment, we tend to overlook the authentic bliss we create for ourselves and others in the process of simply trying to be happy. And by the time we realize these were, in fact, moments of happiness, it's too late: those moments are now memories.
Happiness can't be bottled. It can't be smoked, swallowed, shot or ejaculated. And there is no end game: you never cross the finish line and are suddenly happy. Even when all your wildest dreams come true, you still pursue happiness.
Thankfully, human beings are at their happiest when they feel they're at their most productive. So the only real happiness is the pursuit of happiness. When we chase happy, we feel our best. Life is about the journey, not the destination - so while the idea of happiness sounds great, it’s actually the pursuit of happiness that provides the most contentment. And in that pursuit, we are ultimately at our happiest.
Forgive my stoner ramblings and sorry for stating the obvious. But sometimes, you just wanna remind people they've already won.
 Photo by Dean Stockings

Oh my god can we just take a moment to appreciate how fucking amazing Boy George looks these days? He has really gotten his shit together! FUCK. I had no idea! Where the hell have I been? Oh yeah, keeping up with Scott Weiland for, well, god knows why...

Culture Club is playing the Greek in July, and, I think I'm gonna (GASP!) skip Robert Plant and go see George.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.
~Sam Ewing

Monday, May 18, 2015

So what happened? How come I have 230 page views today?

JUST TODAY? There isn't anything different that I know of going on...the stats for blogger are weird, it says most of my traffic sources are google. Someone comment and tell me what happened and why I'm popular all of a sudden?
