Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ok. I am officially, as of 5pm, covering for a co-workers desk for the next 4 weeks. His client is TVD.

I am terrified I will miss an air date or something and all of television will collapse. Also, I am very nervous about my desk that another co-worker is supposed to be covering (he is currently listening to music and, sweet) and so I'll most likely have to babysit him for 4 weeks in addition to covering for TVD coworker.

I'm gonna puke you guys.

Got the tax return. 
Standing at another crossroads. 

Do I act like an adult and pay  the bills, or do I get my next tool to my dream life and work my ass off in that direction and ignore the debt for a while? 

Updates to follow...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Here's an inspirational Robert Plant quote with a picture of him looking over his shoulder all sexy like because it's the middle of the week, and the middle of the day and I didn't get to go to yoga at lunch because I forgot my work-out pants at home because the time change sucks and don't tell me I'm lame for it affecting me it's lame that it doesn't affect you you lame-o.

Yeah run on sentences!

I'll be fine, I just really want to lay down cause I've realized all is good in my life except I work with a bunch of entitled assholes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. When we really listen to people there is an alternating current, and this recharges us so that we never get tired of each other. We are constantly being re-created.”  ~ Brenda Ueland

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Happy Song - Prince Charming - Adam Ant

I stopped at EXACTLY 500 posts!
Here's 501:

One of my favorite songs EVER.

Flashback to Halloween 2009 when I went as Adam Ant's Prince Charming:

 One of my best costumes to date. I loved it. Though most people thought I was a pirate... It made my whole night when walking back up Santa Monica Blvd. through the West Hollywood parade a really fabulous guy touched my arm in passing and said "Hi Prince Charming."

Monday, December 15, 2014