Tuesday, August 12, 2014

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

For those of you out there that need help, don't be ashamed, it's OK to need help. PLEASE call this number:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Or go to this website:


Reach out. Don't end your life, it's not the answer.

Hot on the heels of Robin Williams committing suicide (which hit me really hard actually, I really loved that dude and all kinds of emotions are coming up, but that's a post I really want to get into later tonight) I am told by someone close to me that they want to kill themselves. I pass along the suicide prevention hotline number and make them call it while I go shave cause I have to leave for work in 30 fucking minutes.

What did they say? I ask as I re-enter my living room.

"You know I'm not actually going to kill myself, right?"

Um, no, no I don't. And my dad is dead because of this and this person knows it's not a joke and really EVERYONE should know it's not a joke and it's REALLY not a joke with me and I WILL have your ass 5150ed so don't fuck around.


If you talk about killing yourself and you are "not really going to do it" or "I'm just venting" you're an asshole. Plain and simple. Asshole.

And you know what else? You are the reason suicide is not taken more seriously and the people that really need help don't get it cause you make other people think "oh, they won't actually do it, they are just venting. They don't actually need help."

So, there ya go, you're a double asshole. Good job. Grow the fuck up asshole. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I used to have his book...I wonder where it went.

I'm not sure if I should be sad or not that no one asks me to lunch anymore.


Music - Barracuda- Heart


I guess I kinda lied about posting here more often. Oh wellllllllll.....

Work has been insane. I am learning a new job and trying to finish mine. My younger sister's life fell apart and she is staying with me for a few days...the SD has been at her mom's and doesn't know of any of this yet and her dad is worried about it upsetting her so much she decides to leave. My older sister was the catalyst for all this drama and now doesn't want anything to do with any of us, and, me? I am just trying to stay that little bit of sane I have left and keep the peace.

It's nice I have detached enough that I am able to keep on keeping on, but, I still need my younger sister to be ok. I won't be ok if she is not ok...Seriously, on all fronts I am doing the best I can with what I have. I really am. Just knowing that, I feel better. I used to feel so bad that I couldn't just "Fix" everyone and everything all the time. I have, through therapy, or meditation, or whatever, been able to let most of that go. People can think for themselves, few of them are actually interested in your advice and even fewer are going to actually take it. So, you have to let go in the most loving way possible. You have to ask them what it is that they need from you, and if that is something you are able to provide do so with love and send them on their way.

About 2 weeks ago, due to an argument with my partner I went all full immersion positivity again. It was of course fake and hard at first, but you really have to force it. Force the positive view of everything at first, and then you start to really see the positive in each situation.

Now, to jump back into that fire..
