Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Favorites

Yay! It's Friday! How's it been? It's also after 5pm here on the west coast, so I'm sure many people are out enjoying happy hour and the start of a three day weekend, AND the unofficial start to SUMMER! Hooorrray!

So, what have I been looking, laughing and wondering at this week?

♥ I am not really a follower of Oprah, but once in a while her site provides insight. 5 Things Happy People Do is a very inspiring read, give your life a little thought.

This Shirt!

25 Horribly Sexist Vintage Ads left me, laughing, speechless, and blown away all at the same time. Some of these are just...amazingly bad. How do you douche with Lysol and not die?! Well, this woman did it for years and lived to at least 89 to tell the tale! Wow!

♥  Sunday is the 10th Annual Masturbate-A-Thon, don't forget to love yourself a little, it's...therapeutic. ;)

♥ Have you ever thought about the random people you come in contact with every day? This amazing perspective, articulated by Sarah Wilson will give you pause if you haven't. I hadn't, in fact it amazed me how much I completely ignore all the people I come in contact with everyday. This really made me think!

♥ Stephan shared these amazing, creepy, beautiful dolls with me, now I shre with you. I love, love dolls. I used to makeover dolls myself but none so amazing as these!

Think about your routines, all the things that make up your days, week, months. (I've been thinking a lot about my life lately, can you tell? Haha!)

♥ I'm a little late on this one, since we are at the end of May already. But, May was National Photography month. Punk Turns 30 had a great write up on it. She also has some wonderful photos of punk musicians during the 1970's and 1980's. I am working on my own photography more seriously these days, as well as going back and organizing my fathers photographs. It was going to be a book. That has become a bit too overwhelming for me...I have a lot of projects on my plate currently. So instead I am gonna blog it. So here for the first time ever I present to father's Edgar Winter! :

There will be more as I get them cleaned and organized. It's been kinda...daunting. Lots of people have asked about them, and I gotta get some of it out there. So, Now I've started. Enjoy!
Till next time, have a great weekend!

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