Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday Happy Song - Yellow #5 - Demon Crossing

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

365photochallenge - Day 13

Day 13 - First day back at lunch pilates/yoga at work. Felt SO good. I LOVE this class!

365photochallenge - Day 12

 Day 12 - Valentine candy already. Used to love these. This one was meh.
Two amazing talents, gone too soon.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I didn't know this was on youtube!!

Red Elvises were friends of mine in high school. I was there the day they filmed the beach scenes for this video, you can see me in the dancing in the red coat at the 3:57 mark and clapping and screaming at the 5:20 mark. :)

Sitting at my desk crying about Bowie again.
Took the Zumba class at the gym at lunch today for only the second time in my life. I for a second I thought I was gonna die. But, it burns something like 400 calories, so it's worth it.
I have to go every Tuesday. I don't think the ankle can go back to kickboxing for a while no matter how much I like it or try to take it easy.