Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Ankle Chronicles - post 4 of who the fuck knows - another update - not a good one

So, on September 26th I was told to walk.

I was told to “push it” and try walking like a normal person. I was in pain still, and the whole ankle was still swelling, but I was told that’s normal with a sprain and to push through. Well, after they FINALLY had me do an MRI and got the results, as it turns out, I have a fractured Talus; the bone on top of my ankle connecting my foot to my leg.

Monday, the 14th I was told this. I was also told I never should have been walking on it; I should have stayed off it at least 3 month and spent as much time as possible resting. When the doctor left the room and closed the door I burst into tears. 

Today is day 3 back on crutches for at least another month. I go back again on Nov. 11th for an additional X-ray and an update on how it’s healing.
I am exhausted. I was already exhausted cause on Sunday I did some errands and laundry and cleaning. The hilarious part is I was sad on Monday when I got home from the doctor that I didn’t finish cleaning the bedroom before I became a gimp again.

I have the same boot on again, but a size small now. The other one didn’t fit and was very uncomfortable when it stopped inflating properly. I needed extra padding on the top of the crutches cause my under arms are still not totally healed from the last run on crutches. They are very chafed and it burns to use the crutches. So, all I had were 2 of those blue microfiber car detail cloths and some bandanas. A co-worker complimented the colorful adjustment and said it looked “very Punky Brewster”.
4 more weeks on crutches people!!
Gah..pain in the ass…

Sugar, Sugar

Click to enlarge. 
Lower right corner says:
"Note to Mothers: Exhaustion may be dangerous – especially to children who haven’t learned to avoid it by pacing themselves. Exhaustion opens the door a little wider to bugs and ailments that are always lying in wait. Sugar puts back energy fast – offsets exhaustion. Synthetic sweeteners put back nothing. Energy is the first requirement of life. Play safe with your young ones – make sure they get sugar every day."

Sunday, October 13, 2013


So, I'm gonna stop aiming for Friday links, it just doesn't seem to work for me. Fridays always seem to be the busiest for me at work lately, and then the weekend's hard for me to pre-load the links posts like I do for most of the Saturday Happy Songs because I need to build the links posts. It takes a lot of time and attention, even more so if I am gonna give a blurb about what the links are or what I like about them...And I just haven't been sure if that is worth it in a little while.

So, here is a bug dump of all the things I have liked or found compelling or worth sharing on the internet since the last time I gave you a links dump a couple weeks ago. Enjoy! :) ♥ 

Chinese Factory Workers and the Toys They Make
This was amazing. It is a photo study called 'The Real Toy Story' by German-born photographer Michael Wolf. He did a whole gallery instillation using toys made in China held to the metal walls of the gallery with magnets.

Amy Poehler writes a short essay about her job the summer she was 17

This pumpkin:

Especially this one of Frank Zappa and his parents and cat:

The Starwood: Home of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll
I love the punk community...

Best Halloween Events In L.A.

Which, through it's amazing header photo that I LOVE of a young girl entering The Bates Motel introduced me to:

Carolyn Hampton Photography
LOVE! What an amazing photographer.

Malala Yousafzai on The Daily Show:

Brides Throwing Cats Instead Of The Bouquet

We've all wished we could put tiny clothes on a hamster

“500 DAYS IN DOWNTOWN L.A.” Walking Tour

Haunting Photos Of 'Dead Man's Curve' Vehicle Graveyard

Joni Bakaradze Mummy: Mother Claims To Have Preserved Son's Body For 18 Years Using Alcohol

'Shark Cat' Is The Most Important Song To Hit The Internet

Maria Tallcheif died... :(

18 Days

Myrna Loy
18 days left till Halloween!