Showing posts with label links. Show all posts
Showing posts with label links. Show all posts

Friday, June 13, 2014

I have so much stuff I'm trying to pay for and get done and see through and start and finish in the next 6 months,  I can't possibly afford $218.00 shoes as well (who are we kidding, I can't ever afford $218 shoes) but LOOK AT THESE!! I had to share just so others can appreciate their beauty and drool over them with me. These are so amazingly perfect I may cry...They remind me so much of my beloved Wet Seal boots I bought in high school that I finally had to throw out last year when we moved.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ok, So I fucking caved and went back to facebook in a moment of boredom and I'm so glad I did cause someone shared this gem;

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

fuck FB - in support of #yesallwomen

Also, I am back off Facebook for 30 days. So I will be posting here randomly a LOT more often. YAY!

I really hate facebook, I really do. I mean, I also love it and as I have said before: it's the number 1 way i keep in touch with my family now. But, it's also full of idiots and I can't deal any longer. I am really hitting a very bad spot in my depression, and I need to really work on that now and I can't argue or worry about the idiots anymore.

Which is so funny, cause this blog is public, and so all the world can see it, and I get less bullshit over here than on my private FB page. Weird.

The straw the broke the camels back was #yesallwomen, and the bruised ego response from many men really startled and upset me. This was a subject that ignited passion in me I hadn't felt in a long while. One of my facebook friends went to his own page and basically subtweeted me with a long rant on how men fantasize about coming across a woman being raped so that they can save her, and that all rapist can be killed and that it's not fair that men need to do this all the time. That it is a woman's responsibility to be able to defend herself, to keep in shape so she can harm an attacker on a moments notice and that not enough women are carrying guns. I was enraged. The whole point was lost on this person and many more like him.

The point is that we should be raising people not to rape and kill each other to begin with! But, that's too hard...just hand everyone a gun and let it all work itself out.

Anyhow, there are many good stories going around about this, and I'm at work, and have to get actual work I am just gonna pass this off to you to look into, I encourage you to read all about it and I'll come rant some more later.Included below are many articles from the guys that did get it and are in support of yesallwomen...I wish there were more men like this out there....


I Am Not an Angry Feminist. I'm a Furious One.

Not All Men: How Discussing Women's Issues Gets Derailed

California killer's misogynist rants inspire #YesAllWomen

Your Princess is in Another Castle 

Yes, All Men

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Things that have piqued my interest since the last time I shared:

DC and Ken Block present Gymkhana FOUR: The Hollywood Megamercial. A MUST watch. This guy drifts his way through Universal Studios!

I like to dress up the cat and laugh at her.

17 Halloween Costumes that are Actually Clever
I have always wanted to do a grayscale costume. "The Grayscale Couple" in this post is really good.



Paul Rogers is an amazing photographer - NSFW (NOT SAFE FOR WORK!)
Thug Kitchen is back and these sweet potato wraps look amazing

11 days till Halloween!


Sunday, October 13, 2013


So, I'm gonna stop aiming for Friday links, it just doesn't seem to work for me. Fridays always seem to be the busiest for me at work lately, and then the weekend's hard for me to pre-load the links posts like I do for most of the Saturday Happy Songs because I need to build the links posts. It takes a lot of time and attention, even more so if I am gonna give a blurb about what the links are or what I like about them...And I just haven't been sure if that is worth it in a little while.

So, here is a bug dump of all the things I have liked or found compelling or worth sharing on the internet since the last time I gave you a links dump a couple weeks ago. Enjoy! :) ♥ 

Chinese Factory Workers and the Toys They Make
This was amazing. It is a photo study called 'The Real Toy Story' by German-born photographer Michael Wolf. He did a whole gallery instillation using toys made in China held to the metal walls of the gallery with magnets.

Amy Poehler writes a short essay about her job the summer she was 17

This pumpkin:

Especially this one of Frank Zappa and his parents and cat:

The Starwood: Home of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll
I love the punk community...

Best Halloween Events In L.A.

Which, through it's amazing header photo that I LOVE of a young girl entering The Bates Motel introduced me to:

Carolyn Hampton Photography
LOVE! What an amazing photographer.

Malala Yousafzai on The Daily Show:

Brides Throwing Cats Instead Of The Bouquet

We've all wished we could put tiny clothes on a hamster

“500 DAYS IN DOWNTOWN L.A.” Walking Tour

Haunting Photos Of 'Dead Man's Curve' Vehicle Graveyard

Joni Bakaradze Mummy: Mother Claims To Have Preserved Son's Body For 18 Years Using Alcohol

'Shark Cat' Is The Most Important Song To Hit The Internet

Maria Tallcheif died... :(

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catch-up of things

Stuff I shared on Facebook and haven't shared here yet:

Lisa Frank gives first video interview EVER:

Ariel Castro hung himself. Fucker. 

20 scientific reasons to start meditating. I miss meditating. I need to go back to it. For real. Before I stab someone.

Also, Happy Birthday Cassandra Peterson, or as we know her best: Elvira

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friday fascinations dump - on Sunday - ALL the links not posted before!

The Fascinations

A big catch up of all the things I wanted to share but also wanted to preface, or add thoughts to, or they were too depressing and I wanted to spread out the depressing stuff...Whatever, here it all is. ENJOY the clusterfuck!

  • Convicted serial killer Rodney Alcala was found guilty in 2010 of killing four women and a 12-year-old girl in Southern California in the 1970s. Alcala, 69, is a former photographer and a one-time dating-show contestant who has been behind bars since 1979. Police in California previously released dozens of photos, including the ones seen here, taken from a storage space rented to Alcala. Recognize the people in this photo? Please contact Huntington Beach, Calif., Police Det. Patrick Ellis at 714-375-5066  PICTURES HERE (Just above the shoulders shots, though they are creepy, they are safe for work)


Why yes Angie, you did turn me on to many of these ;)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rachel Brice interview


This is a wonderful and inspirational interview I have meant to share for a while now. Very good read.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Fascinations

Above amazing illustration by Mab Graves 
It's been a grim week people. Lots of really bizarre news out there. Weird vibe in the air. I don't follow astrology, but those that do would probably say something about the moon being in the house of Mars and that causing bad juju. Or, something. Anyhow, I have also been in a weird place all week, and that has affected all of the relationships around me and made it all just a little, uncomfortable. I am SO GLAD it's Friday! I started the unwinding and celebration last night with Pinot Nior and Pim's orange biscuits. I was bad. Oh well, it's not every week work is slow and you pore over all the gruesome crap the internet as barfed on shore

  3 girls finally escaped the fucked up guy that held them captive in his Ohio home for 10 YEARS!!! 10 fucking YEARS. One of them has a daughter with the sick freak. These poor women. I am so amazed this could happen. Thing that made me sadder: the girl that did the breaking out and made the call, Amanda Berry, her mom died while she was in captivity. 
I mean, I'm sure lots of people were born and died in their families, but still, her mom...
Jodi Arias was found guilty of killing her boyfriend Travis Alexander in 2008. I couldn't remember hearing about this, and I haven't been following the trial like many other people have. This is crazy. This woman is crazy. DO NOT google image search Travis! I was trying to jog my memory of this murder and the crime scene photos are all over the internet! Bloody body in a bathtub photos. The "porn" photos of them together right before she killed him have little black bars over the naughty bits. The photos of him in the bathtub? Nope, all blood and stab wounds and rolled back eyes for the whole world to see. This poor guys family.

 The jury is still out on how to punish the 14 year old boy who shot his mother to death cause she took away his video game. Then he tried to rape her...He texted his dad to say he killed mom, dad thought it was a joke. What the hell is wrong with the world?

On the sunny side of the street (or this is where I sound like a self-centered whore after talking about how fucked up the above situations are)

  I am addicted to LU Pim's Orange Biscuit thingys. No I was not paid to say this. I just fucking love them. They are very similar to Jaffa cakes.
My bedroom is going through an overhaul this weekend (yes for real this time) and I am trying to figure out the best way to do that.  
I am in the middle of Stephen King's Eyes of the Dragon and loving it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Fascinations

You can get custom mix hair color online now! For cheap!! This rocked my world.

Early American settlers turned out to be desperate enough to eat each other, and not in a kinky-fun way. 

RuPaul has a game app now! So exciting! (I LOVE RuPaul) Just such a bummer they don't have it for
Rapper Chris Kelly of Kriss Kross was found dead at the age of 34! Dude, I LOVED their song "Jump" when it was hot in 1992. I thought they were cool. I watched the embedded video, I can't believe how little they were! Such cuties!

Have you seen the Dove Real Beauty sketches ads? Makes ya think, whichever side you're on.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Friday Favorites (on Monday)

Maybe I should start calling this the Friday Fascinations...cause it's not all stuff I necessarily love, but is what has kept my attention this week. Oh what the fuck? I just want this to be the disclaimer that I don't love the cannibal cop or murderers at all, they just keep me interested cause they are fucking sickos.

Icebox Cakes. Just made my second one ever, my first one all from scratch, and it was a huge success. Post about it coming this week. Make one. Keep them in mind for summer. THey are so easy and delicious you'll cream your jeans. (Get it? wink, wink. Yeah...bad humor)

Women that are not in love with their children. I had two different friends pass along a story about a woman that is less than in love with being a mother. Fascinating. Both are very interesting and good reads. #1 & #2

Reasons why you should drink lemon water.

Hip scarves with amazingly long fringe. I want one! Swoon!

The latest developments in the "Cannibal Cop" case in NY. Some days I think I must be the most jaded person on the planet for all I've seen growing up in L.A. Then some new weirdo pops up and I'm blown away all over again.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Women's History Month - Maria Tallchief

Maria Tallchief

Elizabeth Maria Tallchief (born January 24, 1925) was the first Native American to become prima ballerina. From 1942 to 1947 she danced with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, but she is even better known for her time with the New York City Ballet, from its founding in 1947 through 1965. Known professionally as Maria Tallchief, her family called her Betty Marie. Betty learned the Osage traditions from her grandmother, Eliza Bigheart Tallchief. Maria is the sister of notable ballerina Marjorie Tallchief.

Of her childhood she wrote, "I was a good student and fit in at Sacred Heart (Catholic school). But in many ways, I was a typical Indian girl — shy, docile, introverted. I loved being outdoors and spent most of my time wandering around my big front yard, where there was an old swing and a garden. I'd also ramble around the grounds of our summer cottage hunting for arrowheads in the grass. Finding one made me shiver with excitement. Mostly, I longed to be in the pasture, running around where the horses were...".

Madame Nijinska's philosophy of discipline made sense to Tallchief. "When you sleep, sleep like a ballerina. Even on the street waiting for the bus, stand like ballerina".

Tallchief left Los Angeles at the age of 17 and auditioned in New York City. She joined the Ballets Russes and quickly became a featured soloist. After a tour in Canada during 1942, the company asked her to change her name to Maria Tallchieva. She declined to change her Osage name, but agreed to be called Maria Tallchief.

She was the first prima ballerina of the New York City Ballet from 1947 to 1960. Her performance of Balanchine's The Firebird in 1949 and their earlier collaboration at the Paris Opera elevated Maria Tallchief onto the world stage. She also originated the role of the Sugarplum Fairy in Balanchine's version of The Nutcracker, in 1954.

Tallchief continued to dance with the New York City Ballet and with other groups until her retirement in 1965. She was director of the Chicago Lyric Opera Ballet from 1973 to 1979. With her sister Marjorie, she founded the Chicago City Ballet in 1981 and served as its artistic director until 1987. From 1990 to present she has been artistic advisor to Von Heidecke’s Chicago Festival Ballet. (source)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Favorites

that photo above. I Love Lucy has always been one of my very favorite shows. I LOVE the look on Lucy's face in the above photo. Click the photo link. It's an amazing tumblr dedicated to everyone's favorite redhead.  

It's almost Girl Scout Cookie time! YAY! all the cooking/baking blogs I follow are all raving about the new Mango sandwich cookie debuting this year. Did you know that girl scouts used to bake the cookies themselves and they cost about 35 cents a dozen? I found this little history article really fun to read!

Still sober for January, and I actually feel and look better if I do say so myself. However I couldn't help but be intrigued by the fact that Starbucks has introduced "Starbucks Evenings" and is NOW SERVING WINE!! In select locations. But did you hear me? WINE AT STARBUCKS PEOPLE!

I LOVE marmalade, I love grapefruit. THIS grapefruit jam looks like an amazing combo of the 2. 

THIS photo shoot. I love it. I hate it. It makes me wonder why I question my art so often....

In addition to being sober for January, I was also trying to go sugar free...well that feel through the crapshoot. But I found THIS RECIPE and blog post about gals that are sugar free for January very inspiring.

We needed bigger hearts!! 

Have a great weekend!  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekly Favorites

  Thank the goddess for Tina Fey
I am not a huge fan of Christmas and the season that just thankfully ended, but I LOVE Valentines Day and all it's cute heart shaped bullshit. SWOON!

I'm not drinking this month to do a sort of half-assed detox, so naturally I'm starting to miss my dear friend booze. One of my favorite cocktails is a greyhound. Look at these yummy greyhound jello shots I found while daydreaming. 

I need a good camera bag. I guess I should concentrate on getting the camera out a little more often to earn it first...

Just watched Trailer Park Boys "Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys" last night. Hilarious. The Man ran it back at Mia's urging cause I missed Mr. Lahey penis shot when I walked out of the room. Shocking.

David Bowie has a new song and may be touring!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Work

"I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always."Byron Katie


Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July, Friday faves


Hello, Happy Friday!

How was everyone's week? Ready for the long weekend? I sure am! I have no real plans other than helping a friend move, trying to find someplace to watch the race (if we're finished moving), and figuring out what to do for the 4th on sunday. We will be with friends of course, just not sure what else yet. What are you gonna go do? I love 4th of July, I love summer. Barbecue and beer and fireworks, how can you beat that? I suppose I should add how wonderful it's been to be an independent country, how amazing America is and how proud I am to be American. All those things are true, I have never lived anywhere else, have very little travel experience and truly love living here. Without much to compare it too, how could I say anything bad right?

Well...our great country has had a few...struggles over the last, 40 or so years and right now it's in an awful slump. I am not going to explain all the details of how I feel, this is not about the politics side of America this weekend. It's celebrating the best part, of the U.S.A. in all American style, with large portions of grilled meat, copious amounts of alcohol and setting stuff on fire and releasing it into the heavens!

So what has kept me entertained, enlightened, and inspired this week?

The Consumerist. I know, where the hell have I been eh? Well, I didn't really spend any time at the consumerist till I was stuck in an edit bay in Burbank yesterday waiting for The Man to finish up a session with a client. I googled "cutting sugar out of your life" cause I'm fat and need to do that and this great story about a woman suing over Fruit Roll Ups not being healthy came up. I was hooked, this whole site has some of the best weird news stories!

Historic Lolz are amazing!

 Also on the amazing just because it has funny funny things and anything that makes me laugh belongs here because laughter is the best thing in the world to make me feel better category is: Hyperbole and a Half!
Go, read, now. Then, laugh till it hurts. Also a blog that has been around for a bit, so maybe you have already seen it. I'm alway out of the loop but that's what makes my links so crazy fun!

 Do you need ANYTHING belly dance related? L.A. Raqs (pronounced Rocks, get it?) is THE place. Love this site!

 Also, in case your not sure what Raqs means, I found THIS handy glossary of belly dance terms!

Small Swords Magazine's Salute to the Greatest Crotches in Rock History smade me laugh out loud, litterly. Who's #1 on this list? That's right, my secret agent lover man, Robert Plant. YES!

"The crotch of Robert Plant should be considered the fifth instrument of Zeppelin."

♥ AMEN! ♥

Artist and Sexologist Annie Sprinkle's site is informative, inspiring, hilarious, thought provoking and BRIGHT PINK! I can't wait for her Love Art Lab's purple wedding to the moon in October! (NSFW)

This Photo (also NSFW)

 Gypsy Lady Hats Etsy shop RULES! I want a tiny top hat! Eeeep! 

 Last but definitely not least, last weekend Jillian took me to The Annenberg Space for Photography for the opening of Pictures of the Year International. Breath taking. Absolutely amazing photographs. If you are in Los Angeles you must go, closes on October 10th, but I wouldn't wait that long!

Ok, have a great 4th of July everyone, be safe, don't drink and drive, don't burn your hands off. 