Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July, Friday faves


Hello, Happy Friday!

How was everyone's week? Ready for the long weekend? I sure am! I have no real plans other than helping a friend move, trying to find someplace to watch the race (if we're finished moving), and figuring out what to do for the 4th on sunday. We will be with friends of course, just not sure what else yet. What are you gonna go do? I love 4th of July, I love summer. Barbecue and beer and fireworks, how can you beat that? I suppose I should add how wonderful it's been to be an independent country, how amazing America is and how proud I am to be American. All those things are true, I have never lived anywhere else, have very little travel experience and truly love living here. Without much to compare it too, how could I say anything bad right?

Well...our great country has had a few...struggles over the last, 40 or so years and right now it's in an awful slump. I am not going to explain all the details of how I feel, this is not about the politics side of America this weekend. It's celebrating the best part, of the U.S.A. in all American style, with large portions of grilled meat, copious amounts of alcohol and setting stuff on fire and releasing it into the heavens!

So what has kept me entertained, enlightened, and inspired this week?

The Consumerist. I know, where the hell have I been eh? Well, I didn't really spend any time at the consumerist till I was stuck in an edit bay in Burbank yesterday waiting for The Man to finish up a session with a client. I googled "cutting sugar out of your life" cause I'm fat and need to do that and this great story about a woman suing over Fruit Roll Ups not being healthy came up. I was hooked, this whole site has some of the best weird news stories!

Historic Lolz are amazing!

 Also on the amazing just because it has funny funny things and anything that makes me laugh belongs here because laughter is the best thing in the world to make me feel better category is: Hyperbole and a Half!
Go, read, now. Then, laugh till it hurts. Also a blog that has been around for a bit, so maybe you have already seen it. I'm alway out of the loop but that's what makes my links so crazy fun!

 Do you need ANYTHING belly dance related? L.A. Raqs (pronounced Rocks, get it?) is THE place. Love this site!

 Also, in case your not sure what Raqs means, I found THIS handy glossary of belly dance terms!

Small Swords Magazine's Salute to the Greatest Crotches in Rock History smade me laugh out loud, litterly. Who's #1 on this list? That's right, my secret agent lover man, Robert Plant. YES!

"The crotch of Robert Plant should be considered the fifth instrument of Zeppelin."

♥ AMEN! ♥

Artist and Sexologist Annie Sprinkle's site is informative, inspiring, hilarious, thought provoking and BRIGHT PINK! I can't wait for her Love Art Lab's purple wedding to the moon in October! (NSFW)

This Photo (also NSFW)

 Gypsy Lady Hats Etsy shop RULES! I want a tiny top hat! Eeeep! 

 Last but definitely not least, last weekend Jillian took me to The Annenberg Space for Photography for the opening of Pictures of the Year International. Breath taking. Absolutely amazing photographs. If you are in Los Angeles you must go, closes on October 10th, but I wouldn't wait that long!

Ok, have a great 4th of July everyone, be safe, don't drink and drive, don't burn your hands off. 

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