Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Photo Update Feb 2017 - Part 2

We went to 80's prom at The Fonda in Hollywood. It was fun. I went as Adam Ant, because he's amazing and it's a full costume I already have ready to go.

I'm really working on make-up and costume looks when I have free time...I think I got a better response from the white flowers than the dark mask, but I really like the juxtaposition when they are presented together.
I keep trying to down size my apartment and go through things and get rid of them. Went trough old VHS tapes, found a good one with my sister on it from 1999!!
 I made a greasy grilled cheese and deep fried my own french fries for Fat Tuesday with the aim of eating better for lent. AHAHA...right...I did realize I hate deep frying food, and should leave it to professionals.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"I know a drugstore cowgirl, so afraid of getting bored. She's always running from something, so many things ignored."


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Updates and rants

I never explained in this space the last quarter of 2016 which lead to an absence in expressive outlets and frustrations mentioned in earlier posts.

Oct 5th started out a really great day. I got up early, the boyfriend and his friend/music business partner left for a guys/business trip they were both looking forward to, I was gonna get all kinds of creative stuff done. I gave my goodbyes and bounded off to work. I had dressed nice, put in effort, and had a great morning. My manager rushed along the bullpen and told us all there was a last minute meeting with the VP we all had to get to right away, and then would not walk with us. I was really ticked off that the rumor was we were being fired, I was holding out hope we were just being told they were moving us again.

All 18 of us were laid off. We were given a long out date, because they were automating our workflows and needed us to help move that process along, so I would have a job for 10 months.
It seemed like wonderful news, but it was a mixed blessing. Lots of time to figure out our next move, but lots of time to stew and gossip and sulk and slack. Rumor was the norm.

A friend of mine was called back about her job application at a company in our industry, and since she had already taken another job offer, she recommended me. They liked me, and made me a pretty good offer. I jumped ship. I was scared.

Wrapping up my old job, getting the flu, sleeping as much as possible over the 2 days I had before the new job started, starting the new job full of dayquil, Christmas, food poisoning, New Year, birthday, trying to reconcile my current age...feeling uncomfortable about my current age...going back to new job with no long holiday breaks coming up, and really trying to fit in, and learn the work and be confidant cause I really rocked at my old job and I don't yet at this one, but they hired me because I worked for a large studio and rocked at it...

Well, it's taken till after the most lovely 3 day weekend we had (Cause they give us Martin Luther King day off!! YAY!) to really try to re-focus what's been going on and the blur that the last 3 months has been. I cannot believe that much time has gone by that all of this happened in, I am really kinda spent and depressed now because it's all over and I don't have to try and make it all work and worry about what's next, and I can just go back to working (cause I pretty much know what I'm doing now, I just have to go in each day and keep the plates spinning, but I know the order in which they spin now) and trying to improve myself and my life.

I think I have some anxiety because there is not some current condition I have to fix. There were a string of many ordeals and now there really isn't anything left to do but go back to making things the way I want them in my life.

A wave of relief and gratitude just washed over me.  I need to organize out my projects I think. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Remember being 16, and taking the bus to Hollywood with your sister and going to punk shows and getting elbowed in the face by other punk kids in the pit and dancing till you couldn't stand up and your clothes were drenched with sweat and hoping you'd meet someone cool that would give you a ride home so you wouldn't have to take the bus at 1am?

Me too...can we go back to that?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I meant to get a post in before the Saturday Happy Song, cause that would have been post 666...and then I wasn't able to get to it because work and life are a little crazy right now...

So this is my 667th post on this blog!


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Better view of the Halloween costume that is actually my belly dance costume.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween 2015 coustume

I don't think you guys have seen a picture of me in a really long time, and I lost 17 pounds this year, so here ya go.  That coin bra is a reconstruction of the one I ordered online 5 years ago and never really used cause it didn't fit properly. I can actually use it to perform in now! It took about 20 hours of work so far, and I'm not quiet finished yet...I'll post a picture when I am. 

It says number 9 in the lower corner because this is my entry pic for the costume contest at work.