Showing posts with label The Auto-Bio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Auto-Bio. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Remember being 16, and taking the bus to Hollywood with your sister and going to punk shows and getting elbowed in the face by other punk kids in the pit and dancing till you couldn't stand up and your clothes were drenched with sweat and hoping you'd meet someone cool that would give you a ride home so you wouldn't have to take the bus at 1am?

Me too...can we go back to that?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Better view of the Halloween costume that is actually my belly dance costume.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Raleigh Twenty

 The Raleigh Twenty was my bicycle in high school. Now that I think about it, it was my first bike. The first one that wasn't a hand me down or something I shared. Though, everything in our house was community property for the most part, and things I was given by my father turned out to end up being his, or other peoples later when he thought them unsuitable for me at some point (have I told the story of my first car? Remind me to tell you the story of the first car.) So, when I was not interested in this bike anymore, and he had brought home the more fashionable beach cruiser for my younger sister and I to ride, this was just sort of absorbed into his collection.

His friend Leann was...having a yard sale? Had just acquired more collectibles?  I don't recall...I remember standing in her front yard, of the lovely little house she rented on 10th and...Pearl-ish area of Santa Monica and my father loving this bike. Trying to talk her into parting with it, he said "Sydney needs a  bike!" She asked if I did, and did I like this one. I said yes, to both questions. I really did like the bike. I really did hope it was going to be mine, and not a thing he was telling other people was for me, but was really for him. (This was never intentional really, things just mattered more to my dad than most people and so if you were not interested he would say you were so he could get something, or if you lost interest in it he wold save it from the trash. Everything had a use and a meaning to him.)

The bike was mine throughout junior high and high school. My sisters were not interested, he had many bikes, all used and rusted; but this one was always so charming. It had so much more personality than the others. After the beach cruiser became more practical I lost track of this bike, it went into his Santa Monica storage, then moved to Culver City storage, and when he passed away I reclaimed it. Leann asked if I still had it, and I kept it, either for her or I to restore and ride. It has now been 4 years. I am pairing down my things, trying to totally liberate myself from the clutter and chaos in my apartment, and I am just not going to restore this bike. I have to let it go.

I have known this for, I don't know...a year? I am not totally sure why it came with us when we moved in May 2012. The lady that lived upstairs from us in Palms asked if I was willing to sell it, and it didn't feel right. That's the only way I know how to explain holding onto this thing for 4 years. It never felt right to let it go. For a month I have tried to motivate myself to post the thing on craigslist, it's been hot, I've been busy. For whatever reason I got out and did it Sunday.

Then, I panicked. I have to let it go. I could hear my father say the price I was asking was too low, it's an antique! It's worth money! But, it's very rusted...if it is going to get restored, you can't sell too high. Crap...I'm going to have to let this thing go!! He would be so mad at me..but what am I going to do? Schlep it around for the rest of my life? I do not have the time or money to put into this thing when photography (his and mine) and dance are calling.

I had an email from a man named Jon Sunday night, just his number, just asking to call. I put it off. Other emails asked about the bike Monday morning, but we go in order of who asked first.

He sounded European, and a little older on the phone. He said this was the bike he rode throughout his school years in Philadelphia. Even in the snow! He loved this bike. He had been searching awhile. I told him I would text him the address, and be home at 6:30pm. I warned him it was gonna really need some work. It had been neglected. At 5pm he texted to say he was leaving his house now. I confirmed I would not be home till 6:30. He responded "NP".
 I go home, unlock the bike, and say a formal goodbye. I thank her for her many years of service, tell her I always loved her and I always will. I acknowledge out loud I can hear my father arguing with me I am making a mistake, but I can not care for this bike. If there is a person that will appreciate her and can put time and money and love in, that's where the bike belongs. I kiss her handlebar, say goodbye and pull her out of the carport.

Jon texts right then he is parked in the alley behind my building.

I waddle forward with the bike, approach a white Prius with dark tinted windows, and a man with white hair and glasses emerges. "Jon?"
"Yes, yes hello Sydney nice to meet you!"
He takes a look at the bike. "Oh yes, this is it. I rode this bike all over Philadelphia when I was in school. Even in the snow! I would ride over to my wife's house then, when we were dating, and lean against it and wait for her to come outside. Her father would tease her. Say I was crazy for riding my bike in the snow."

Oh my god.

I tell him this is just what I was hoping for. Not someone that needed extra metal for scrap. Or someone that didn't know what they were buying, but someone that would appreciate and put love into this bike.
He looks closer, and realizes the rust is pretty bad. He has a guy, he's bringing him the bike tomorrow, and he said to be sure there is not too much rust. He asks my price again, his eyes are bad and he wasn't sure what I was asking. He winces when I tell him. I knock $15 more off and he hands it to me and starts opening the hatchback on the car. I tell him to please keep my info and send me a picture when the bike is finished. I've had it since high school, I really intended to restore it myself, but I have not had time or money. I am so pleased I found him, I am so happy he wants to restore it. He gasps and then smiles when he hears this, "it was your bike in school too?!" He assures me he will send photos. We both have a good laugh about how you can't be sure who you are going to meet on craigslist and we are both so pleased this was such a positive interaction. He says he is so relieved that after driving all this way it worked out. That's when I find out he came all the way from Laguna Niguel!! Almost 70 miles in rush hour traffic for a bike he's been searching for for years.

Sometimes you wait and don't know why. Sometimes you hesitate and can't explain. I held onto a rusty bike for 4 years and moved it 20 miles because my gut told me to and in the end, the bike got the home it deserved.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sorted another box of my dads tonight.
Got to the bottom, some old dust clumps, some, tape or string...? Can beat it out outside and get rid of it. Looked closer...

My hospital bracelet from the day I was born.
I cried. I thanked him. I felt like he was there. Tried to hold his hand.
Grateful for the little things tonight...passing moments with the otherworld...I felt at peace and so thankful for moments like this to process my feelings.

And, other parts of me are so pleased with the proof that you shouldn't dump all your dead fathers things in a dumpster the weekend after he died like some people worked so hard to do..HA MOTHERFUCKERS!! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Today would have been my parents 45th  wedding anniversary.  Crazy huh?

I said this exact thing to Steve this morning. He started to cry.

Then I started to cry. I didn't really feel any which was about it, then it hit me.

I think about them every single day.

Happy Anniversary Mama and Daddy. Wherever you are, it is my greatest wish that you are together.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Happy Song - Prince Charming - Adam Ant

I stopped at EXACTLY 500 posts!
Here's 501:

One of my favorite songs EVER.

Flashback to Halloween 2009 when I went as Adam Ant's Prince Charming:

 One of my best costumes to date. I loved it. Though most people thought I was a pirate... It made my whole night when walking back up Santa Monica Blvd. through the West Hollywood parade a really fabulous guy touched my arm in passing and said "Hi Prince Charming."

Monday, April 14, 2014

I can't believe how little I remember to do during the day...this is like, week 3 of trying to remember to make a dentist appointment. And now, after 10pm, I remember I needed to go straight to CVS after work and buy more tinted moisturizer. I am completely out. I received the amazing compliment at work today that I "look sick in your eyes, or, something."

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday Happy Song - Culture Club - Karma Chameleon

When I was like, 5 or 6, I was in love with Boy George (let's NOT run a psychoanalysis on what this means), and I wanted to be Cyndi Lauper. 
I wanted to be Cyndi Lauper and marry Boy George.
Entirely because they were the coolest looking people, with the coolest music, at the time.
And I was obsessed.
I am blessed enough to still hold the vinyl single my dad played on our record player of "Karma Chameleon". It is one of my very favorite songs ever. The video is pretty great too, but I didn't see it till way later in life, and I didn't take it all in till now. So, this guy is a pick pocket and a thief, and magic multicolored Boy George appears on a rock and through song about something entirely different informs the towns people of pick pocket's shenanigans? And, this is sometime in the 19th or early 20th century, and no one freaked out that magic multicolored Boy George could be a witch?


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy 2014!

I'm still alive!

How are you?!

Sorry for the M.I.A. I have been really, blah. It actually all started on my last post, WAY back on December 7th and it has slid nice and steady into the crapper. Well, almost. Actually right then I had tons of GOOD news, and then it went into the crapper.

What did you miss? Dec. 7th was my mom's birthday, and I saw my sisters to mark the occasion, and we had a pretty nice visit. We had bought the Xmas tree the weekend before and were super excited for Xmas cause it was the first one with SD living with us, and it was gonna be great. We all hung out and it was nice. I felt hopeful.

The next day, December 8th, I BOUGHT A CAR!! The first time I have EVER bought a car. It took me till I was 31 and was gonna have no way to get to and from work over the holidays, but I did it. I was so happy.

The day after that, December 9th I received the good news that the X-rays no longer showed a fracture line in my talus bone in my ankle and I could begin to walk again!! OMG! YES! These 2 things happening back to back was amazing and a huge buoy to my self-esteem and hope for the fast approaching new year. The last month I was not able to walk was hard, and I had become rather depressed and despondent. Things were looking up!

The next week and a half went by WAY too fast as I eagerly tried to restrain myself to only putting a set amount of weight on the ankle (I was told 30 pounds day 1 & 2, 60 pounds day 3 & 4, 90 on day 5&6 ect. till I was up to my full body weight and could start to walk. I did this by putting the bathroom scale on the floor, sitting in a chair in front of it and rocking forward till there was the right amount of weight on the scale), getting used to the new car, getting ready for Xmas, and working really hard on making this the year I was not a depressed, Grinch-mess for this holiday season. I really wanted to forget the past years; I had my own little family to be there for and I was gonna make it great damnit!

Then some family drama went on, SD spent Xmas with her mom, Xmas eve and actual Xmas were nice...New Years eve  was nice. Though, I didn't want to go out...I had a panic attack about another year gone and getting older and blah, blah, blah...I was late to the party that night, so it actually went by really quick. We arrived at like, 11:30pm. Though, I regretfully made some people wait on m, then New Years! Whoot!

Then I was rear ended in my new car...Then SD moved out, then depression, then physical therapy, then back to belly dance, then I joined Tumblr, then out of the walking boot, more physical therapy, then stayin' alive...ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive. Then it was Lunar New Year and I'll totally post for that! Nope, spaced out and dropped out for that too...Then SD wants to move back in. Then ankle swelled up. Then I missed belly dance tonight, BUT! I stayed home and edited an end of year photo shoot I was Way, WAY too behind on...and now it's Feb. 12th 2014...

So, I think you're all caught up. Which is really good cause I don't wanna keep catching people up. Things are moving along, and I am mostly walking again except for the small setback of ankle currently being a little swollen and irritated. I probably have overdone it. I have been excited about it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Ankle Chronicles - post 2 of who the fuck knows - an update

Day 10: Still not walking. My amazing belly dance teacher reminds me to "be patient with the process". The bright side? My arms are looking great. Other than that? Blah.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Ankle Chronicles - post 1 of who the fuck knows - a HUGE rant

It's Sunday.
It's a quarter till 6pm.
It has been a super sucky weekend, ending a super frantic turned sucky week.
I am tired and frustrated. I feel helpless and depressed.

Wednesday night I was with Mia and was leaving her place to go visit a friend that was in the hospital. This friend only had visitor's till 9pm and it was 7:30pm. I was not paying attention as I rushed back out her door and down her porch steps. I missed the last 2 steps. I stumbled. I fell. ON my right ankle. I heard it crunch. I screamed.

I was in SO MUCH pain. I had never felt such pain after a fall before. I got scared. I knew it was really bad from the very moment I heard it crunch.

I went to the E.R. they wrapped it and gave me crutches (They took no address or insurance information from me, I am scared to see this bill...should it ever get to me) and was told to follow up with my doctor the next day. I did. She also did not want to commit to the ankle being broken, she said let's plan for it to be broken and then if it's not it'll be good news! Go to the ortho doctor she says. Went to him the next day (this whole time people that I am relating this tale to are freaking out about how I haven't had it set yet and this is day 2...well, are you able to get a referral and a specialist appointment in 24 hours? Anyway, it's besides the point, but this is going to be a whiny post cause I have had a sucky week and have been surrounded by stupid people). Can I just say sarcastically that the best part of this whole thing is I was completely sober. That I have had nights, all dressed up and wearing way too high shoes, so drunk I couldn't see, and I have survived those totally unscathed. That I had on Doc Martens oxfords, and had not one drink or smoke or drug in my body, and simply due to being anxiousness and being rushed I fucked over the next month of my life...

Ortho doctor says there could very well be a hairline fracture in there, in a weird place. Other than that it is acutely sprained, muscles torn, deeply bruised. Gave me a "Walking Boot" and told me elevation and ice, stay off it as much as possible. I went home and did just that. I have done that Saturday (except to get ready to go out to a much needed girls night out Saturday that was canceled...), and I did that today (other than to go out to breakfast with girls I was supposed to have girls night with last night). I am so tired, and bored and frustrated. I can't walk at all. I love that I have been home, but I am not sure I will get paid for not coming in Friday, and I know I won't get paid for taking the last half of Thursday off. So, this whole ordeal has become uber expensive and I have just sat on my ass with ice on my ankle. It wasn't like I was getting cleaning or projects done.

This is SD's last weekend of summer vacation, and I wanted to be able to help her pack food, and get ready. I wanted to start a whole new page after having an amazing party weekend with friends and instead I am just gonna try and survive the week, again. My partner is exhausted, he has done my laundry, his laundry, helped move the last of his daughter's stuff in, taken me to all doctor's appoints, carried me to and from the car when needed and slept next to my huge booted foot and will be driving everywhere till I can drive again. I can't drive...I also have to take this paragraph to give a shout out to Mia, who stayed calm, went with me to visit our friend in the hospital and then waited 3 hours for me to come out of the E.R. so she could drive back to my place, pick up my partner and then drive back to her place where I left the truck. All on a school night! 

I TOTALLY get that I will heal. Probably fast because I am in very good health and take care of myself. I understand that I will probably be walking in my walking boot next weekend and the weekend after that the ortho doctor will X-Ray it and probably tell me I am close to healed. I understand that this is probably about a month out of my life. But, still, THIS IS A MONTH OUT OF MY LIFE!! GRRR...This will test me...

I actually have to remind myself that this week didn't start out sucky, that last weekend I got to spend 3 days in a row with a very dear friend of mine out from the east coast. That I got to say good-bye to that friend this morning at breakfast and for these things I am blessed.

I will use this to make me stronger, and be inspiring and I know I am resilient and I will rise above. I KNOW this. But, my week still sucked really bad and the upcoming week is gonna suck really bad, and I needed to vent.

Thanks for the ear.
Done now. Moving on.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Just in time for goodbye July

Hi! I'm back to the internet! Took long enough huh? Well let me tell you, moving is a bitch. A huge bitch. I am so glad that is done, and I'll tell ya another thing: That's all folks! No more moving. I'm done. Not for years, I need a break!

I lived in one place for the entire first 18 years of my life, then moved 4 times with just a couple years between each. This is the second time I have moved within the same building, the best/worst/best move ever. You don't really pack anything (so there is no packing, yay!), but it all goes too quick and cluttered. Anyhow, we lived through it and now have lots more space. My partner's daughter now lives with us full time and we couldn't be happier. The sorting of stuff goes on, and we are inspired to clean it up and make it classy looking around the new joint, but it's slower going than one might hope. I'd post pictures, but no one wants to look at it currently, trust me. Instead, please enjoy this picture of Pink that I didn't share while it was still Christmas:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Moving - Day 2 - The Last Scramble

We're moving! Not far, not even out of this town (we love this town), just 2 doors down in our building. YAY! More room! Step-Daughter has decided to stay and so she needed a room. It was such a lucky break to find her one right here in the building. We got a good portion of stuff out yesterday. We have to finish today. I am most worried about our bed, cause it's heavy. But, there is actually lots of work to be done still...
I am about to lose the internet while my man moves the computers next door, then we have to have the bill swapped. So I will be gone for the  next week probably sorting all that stuff out. 
Have a wonderful start of July and I'll catch you up on all the fun we had next week. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

So, today turned out to be amazing, I loved this day.

I was told I was the best step-mother anyone could ask for and I was thanked for all I do and I was told not to worry about anything. She told me she was worried about us getting along and that doesn't even worry her anymore and we get along great. I am so happy we get along great. We are so happy. She held my hands while she said all this.

I can't tell you how amazing this was. Cloud 9.

People this is a breakthrough.I want to cry. I kinda did..a little.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Those times when that crucial button in the middle of the bust portion of your blouse pops open and you walk around 99 cent store with the center of your bra showing and everyone laughs at you but no one says a damn thing.

My life rocks.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Now I know

I remember working at Lightning Media, when it was still on Highland and Romain ave, and being told "Everybody know your business" by a co-worker. I remember hating this and being hurt and deciding not to tell anyone at work about my life again.

Now, a little story:

I remember working at that same place, and a co-worker bringing in pumpkin bars his wife made the night before. A restless night before he confided in some, as she had restless leg syndrome. When this was mentioned to one of the ladies that sat next to me in the little room at the end of the hall that was the billing department, she asked if this affliction started after she gave birth. He said no, she had never given birth. Didn't they have children the woman asked. Yes, four was the reply. But, then how? The woman asked. They are adopted, came the reply. Oh, wow, said the woman. Isn't one of them much older the woman asked. Would you like to go out to dinner? The male co-worker asked. Or, have drinks? You and I and our spouses can get together and you can ask whatever you like about my life and my kids, but till then, we are at work. Can we take care of work stuff please?

I understand that he perhaps originally invited the quierie, but I like that when unprepared to deal with so many more questions, he shut down the conversation. I like that he took control that way. I understand why now.

I'm always over here having to explain everything to everyone and why I feel that way about this or this way about that.

Fuck that shit. DONE.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013



And, not the good kind played by amazing people like George Clinton or Bootsy Collins...
The last 3 or so days have just been, weird. I feel weird and unmotivated and like I want to just go hide under the covers with my book and about a pound of chocolate covered marshmallows.

Fuck I love chocolate covered marshmallows.

See, and there's the other thing, I want to eat and be depressed. Not good. No. Not in the least. I fed this beast for 5 fucking months last year. It took me till March of this year to get over Christmas...I was doing so well...What now?

Last week was so much better, so much more full. I worked my ass off in like 4 classes in the gym at work, I was exhausted but felt amazing. It was the free week to try the gym and the woman I walk with encouraged me to join her in her classes. By the end, Thursday night, I thought I was gonna fall over. I wanted to go lay in a hot tub for the rest of my life.

I so looked forward to the long weekend, and so needed it when it arrived and then didn't know what to do with myself. Friday was good, ran a bunch of errands, got stuff done. Kinda...Then there was Arrested Development and reading and I got the bathroom clean and went to yoga...and completely avoided cleaning my bedroom...again.

Monday came and we tried to figure out how to spend it and I felt restless. I wanted to just go drive, drive in the sunshine and soak up the warmth and energy and fire and let it heal me and make me whole. We went and got boba at the outdoor part of the mall and got in the pool. I still hate boba by the way...I wasn't sure for a second, but nope, don't care for it. Then, I took on the bedroom. Monday evening. After texting and calling various people to distract me and failing to find anyone to save me from the stupid chore that has exploded in my head...then, at the end of cleaning the bedroom, came the putting of my fathers film and such into my closet...I took a deep breath and shoved things in fast and hard and sat with a thud on the floor and bit my lip and tried not to cry. My partner has gently suggested sorting this stuff once or twice, it came up again when I emptied a plastic bin in the closet of my belly dance costume crap, but I still haven't been able to give it enough of a go. I still can't really look at it. I still can't allow myself to process any of it, the pain washes over me and I feel like I am gonna puke...

So, I guess in this long rant I have figured out why I am in a funk. I guess we got that. But, I mean, fuck SERIOUSLY? Is this gonna happen every time I have to move my parents crap around? That exhibit of his art is gonna take me YEARS at this rate...I am so frustrated. Some days are ok, and I keep on keeping on and have hidden my parents in that dark little room in my head where it doesn't bother me that I don't have them to talk to, I'm fine, it's fine. Then, other days knock me in the head and the pain is so sharp I can't see straight.

and that feeling lasts for days. and, here we are.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The auto-bio entry #2

So, it's the 1980's, the setting is Venice, California.

Now what?

Oh, yeah, I tell you the shit I remember and try to spin it into some kind of pretty tapestry of words...

The very idea of this makes me itch to wax poetic about my high school years in the 90's...a friend of mine posted this thing on the increasingly frustrating facebook about the differences in yourself and how you react to the world in your early 20's versus your late 20's. For whatever reason I thought about high school, and how sweet and innocent it all was. Seemed. Seems now, in my far off memories of it. It was also a huge clusterfuck that I barely survived much like most of the rest of my life up to this point, but at least I was not completely aware of how much of a clusterfuck it was at the time...

Anyhow...let's see, some other fact's of life...I was home-schooled. Or, well, I was actually what some groups now call "unschooled" for the first 12 years of my life. I was taught whatever seemed like a good thing to teach that day. My mom did a good job of finding out about lots of books to teach from at the Venice Library. Back when it looked like this:

And was in the building on California and Electric Ave. that is now the Vera Davis McClendon Family Center.So many memories in this building...I went to so many events here, my sisters and I grew up in this library. 

Anyhow, I was taught to read, write, spell horribly, cook, sew, clean the windows, all from home! I also learned the basics of the combustible engine, how to change the wax ring in the bottom of the toilet, how to pick both a pad lock and door lock with a piece of music wire and the great importance of Jazz music on not only American history but on the family unit. This last was due to the fact that my father came from a deep network of Chicago Jazz musicians and was taught how to play drums by none other than Joe Morello while his father (my grandfather) had an after jam session conversation with Dave Brubeck in the living room.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Woman's History Month - Me

After many pokings from various friends, a long explanation about why I got defensive about assumptions made about me on Facebook and wanting to add another post about Woman's history before Woman's History Month 2013 was over; I've decided to write about me. YAY! (Be excited damnit!)

Several people have told me after an antidote or two about my life has been divulged, that I should write a book. So I am going to give this a whirl in, at very least, blog form. Forgive me if this is disjointed, or confusing, I'll do my best to be as linear as possible, but I am gonna also write about what I remember best first probably...except for the beginning, I guess I can give you a vague idea of the beginning.

My parents are from Chicago, they met sometime in the spring or summer of 1967 I believe. At a party, they met at a party that my dad's roommates were having at the place they lived. In a house they bought collectively with money they made selling sheets of acid to the party community of Chicago. The house was on Altgeld Ave, and Lincoln. A few lots in from the street, but just around the corner from the legendary Biograph Theater where John Dillinger was shot. He always said it was fate, love at first sight. That voices told him it was her he was meant to spend the rest of his life with, but that is perhaps for another time, before I melt into a puddle of tears...

My mother moved to Quebec, Canada with her family when her father's job moved him there. My daddy moved to Los Angeles. Why, I'm not exactly sure...adventure I didn't occur to me when running over this idea of biography in my mind how many questions were going to come up or how sad it was going to make me to not have my parents to ask...fuck. Especially since my father is still so alive in my mind that I could just call him...but, he is in fact no longer there to call...fuck.

Anyhow, I was born OK? In January of 1982, at UCLA hospital in Westwood California. I was both conceived and raised in Venice, California. I lived there till I was 18 and we were thrown out. My entire 31 years on this planet and I have moved 4 times and lived within a 30 mile radius of where I was born. I have a few, very specific memories of my young years, most of my real memory of my life comes in after the age of 11. My boyfriend thinks this is funny, and we've talked about how funny memories are because he is excatly the opposite.

One of my very first memories is of stepping on a bee, in order to kill it I suppose, and the stinger sticking in my big toe of my left foot. My older sister was with me (here I guess I should mention I am the middle child. I have one older sister, 11 years my senior and 1 younger sister, 1.5 years my junior. Odd age separations my mother informed me due to all of us being mistakes), I think she was the one to pull the stinger out. I have vague memory of her yelling across the lawn at my mom that I stepped on a bee. I think we were standing next to the night blooming jasmine plant in the north-west corner of the yard that wrapped all the way around the duplex we lived in, but I may be wrong here.

The lot where I grew up is still there. The house (well, apartment actually) is not. It was torn down by the people that bought the building after we were evicted in June 2000. It is a large, artsy, glass two story monstrosity reminiscent of Delia Deetz's dream home in Beetlejuice...