Showing posts with label co-workers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label co-workers. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ah the petty minutia that makes up your days working in a corporate office.

Friday, December 11, 2015

So, you think you're gonna have a good day, then 2 managers need to tell you you  asked a stupid question and 40mins after clocking in you fall on your face for the first time today.

This is just my day job, these people don't matter. This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.This is just my day job, these people don't matter.

I was up till 2am arranging tubs of flowers and hanging Scott Weiland posters for the tribute tonight!!
I still rock at art. THAT'S what matters.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Love the girl I share a cube wall with, untill it's cold and flu season...cause she doesn't know how to cover her mouth...


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Holy fuck it's gonna be one of those days....Just after 10am and I want to stab people already!

To try and focus on the positive here, there were 2 winners for the costume contest at work and I was one of them! YAY! I won AMC movie tickets. So, maybe I get an Xmas date to go see Krampus with my love.

Deep breaths. Don't kill people. I won't like jail.

Half hour lunch today so I can leave early and go dance. We rehearse the Deck the Halls belly dance for Xmas show in Eagle Rock. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

God help me if the woman I work with doesn't learn her damn job one day soon...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Meltdown on the way...and I have to go party and be bright and beautiful tonight...

I hate everything.
I was just given some very strong opinions about giving my SD nothing for her birthday cause that's her dad's job and I am too nice.

I am actually too tired for this. WAY TOO TIRED. Up too late last night trying to edit photos from a shoot and obtain Black Sabbath tickets...

Blah blah blah...I guess this is why bitches got nice clothes, they ain't got anybody but themselves to buy for! HAHAHAHA. Bitches.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Homemade coconut allspice diamonds from co-worker. Mmmmmmmm...cookie itself is like a shortbread. Very buttery and flaky.

LAST of the sugar for me for a while, I need a detox! Been sluggish. July sucked. Starting over now that it's over. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Why Adults Need To Take More Breaks

Somewhere around 10, we can probably all agree we graduate from using the word play in the traditional childlike sense. We tell that light-hearted word to stay swaying on the swings and climbing up the tree houses of our youngest age bracket.
We cement the one-dimensional definition in and tend not to use it unless it's a verb for sports, a live production we buy tickets to see for or something we tell kids to do in the backyard.
Since Adult Land is all about commuting and calendars and co-workers, we need a reason for doing things. A means to an end, a next rung, a monetary reward.
Considering play wants to loan firecrackers to our imaginations and unleash our right to goof off, you can see the conflict.
But play what makes us pause in all the adult hullabaloo to get our blood going again.
The other week, one of my best mates and I blew the dust off of Cliff Nobles, hit the gas and ended up at the beach two hours north. We halted on route to go poke around abandoned farmhouses, take photos by old motel signs, climb into an unsupervised ferris wheel and feast on BBQ in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it town. When we got to the deserted beach, we ran for the swing set. If you're anything like me, you asked yourself, "When's the last time I jumped off a swing?"
So I did.
"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." - Khalil Gibran
It wasn't scheduled into a day planner and I definitely didn't make any cash doing it.
Yet, the spontaneous play through the whole day pulled the rug out from under all my regularly scheduled programming and took a defibrillator to my office-weary heart.
I needed it.
I needed it because play has a necessary place in balancing out responsibility and deadlines. Play pulls me back from the cliff of taking everything too seriously and gives my steaming brain permission to take a breather.
When I tally what play gives me - a broader perspective, a well-deserved break, the incredible company of my friends in brand-spankin' new places, a plate full of inspiration to pour back into my work - it's pretty ludicrous that I can be so convinced it's the territory of children.
We all need it.
So the next time you're yawning into a half-cup of coffee in the midst of too many open tabs, you know what to do: go play. (source)
Dani Kreeft is the one woman force behind paper goods brand Dani Press, currently based in Toronto, Canada. If she isn't scrambling to ship greeting cards and art prints across North America, she's probably wandering around with her camera foraging for a coffee.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

240 page views between sunday and monday again. Odd.

Google states must be off...

Anyhow, hi all. Still trudging away in post. Had to get talked off the ledge this morning. One co-worker goes "There is a homeless woman with dirty feet trying to break in the back door!! Is that what you want to be? Jobless with no shoes?!!"

Nope. I for one love shoes. I have 2 pair on the way to me in the mail now.

Yep. Love me some shoes.

Friday, May 15, 2015's an I hate everyone day today. Fuck.

Meditation breathing.
Meditation breathing.

I work with some of the stupidest people on the fucking planet. This city is full of them and I work with way too many.

I really can't wait for our next earthquake so most of these fuckers will go back from whence they came, we really need the parking.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I survived 4 weeks of covering for a TVD scheduler! I didn't stab anyone, I only worked like, 6 or 7 12 hour days, I only cried like, twice. GO ME!!

Now, the douche that was supposed to cover me and didn't is out for a week and a half. But I don't care, his workflows are not that bad...*knocks on wood* and I have Friday off!

I did it. I am so happy it's over and so proud of myself for making it. I am so burned out I could fall over. I can't decide what I'm gonna do with my Friday off...I have so much I need to get done, and all I want to do it sleep...hhhmmm...maybe I should do all the things so that I can sleep in on Saturday with my man...I don't know. I am just so excited this is over.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ok. I am officially, as of 5pm, covering for a co-workers desk for the next 4 weeks. His client is TVD.

I am terrified I will miss an air date or something and all of television will collapse. Also, I am very nervous about my desk that another co-worker is supposed to be covering (he is currently listening to music and, sweet) and so I'll most likely have to babysit him for 4 weeks in addition to covering for TVD coworker.

I'm gonna puke you guys.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Big work rant

Ok, I have to vent this out because it's still bothering me 14 hours later and I have to get it out and let it go or it's going to ruin my whole weekend.

I work with a huge bunch of assholes. I hate them. They suck.

I have a different job, I may have mentioned that, the company I work for has moved me down to operations, and I schedule post production and duplication services right with a post house now, the pace has really picked up, the work load has really expanded, there it lots of overtime and hard due dates to be met and 99% of the about 11 people they moved over hate it.

One of my co-workers who is the person I cover when she is out and her I when I am out HATES hates it. She loathes this job. She doesn't want to work this hard and she doesn't want OT and she wants everyone else to feel the same way she does. Same for the total dickhead that sits across from her. I have been scolded on multiple occasions for helping out more and raising my hand to help. Every time she has work she needs me to help with she doesn't want me to help anyone else and gets angry if I take on other projects. I tried to help the dickhead that sits across from her, cause he is buried in work all the time, he told me I didn't want any of his work and he's got it. He has missed TV air dates, I mean, come on, give me some of your work dude. He came and took it back from me before I was done with it. Then, as the woman was in my cube telling me I can't volunteer to help so much cause I don't know when my own clients are going to send work in, he turns to her and says "So, how come Sydney always has so much bandwidth to help and then has to work the weekends?"

I wanted to turn around and ask him what the fuck business it was of his how I work. What the hell? Then she turns to me and says, yeah and you need to be working on your billing. I told her the billing is not as important as getting the clients their work on time, they are taking stuff out of house now, our post house is not going to survive if they don't pick up the pace. My co-workers don't care. But I don't get why he asks why I come in on weekends, I don't get why they care so much how much work I do. Then I opened up a bit to tell them about how my partner has not had a gig since the first week of August. That we are so broke it's really scary. There is NO money. There won't be for weeks. Then it's the holidays...They sort of backed off, and it was time for them to go home...

And I sat my section of the office, really uncomfortable. I didn't want to be at work anymore. I just wanted to go home and curl up...I really, REALLY need the money I'll be paid to come in this weekend, but I only have billing, and I am not comfortable going in and doing that...but, then I won't have that much OT, and I won't have any money next week for food...and even though it's the fault of assholes that want to complain and get company for their misery, it actually lies with me and ends up being my fault for not ignoring them and going into work. And they don't care if I do or don't go in.

I don't get why it's so important for everyone to be in everyone's business and lives. Why do they care how much or how long I work? This really upsets me. I was doing so well, and was so happy about always being so busy, and I did so well at being so busy 3 managers have called me things like "Rock Star" and "Amazing" and told me how well I'm doing. Who doesn't want that?! Who wants to be, oh, here comes so and so thaqt always bitches and his work is always late.

I hope they all leave the damn company.

Then he asks me why the hell I'm always so happy about being here.


I work really hard on my happy. I cultivate as much of it as I possibly can. Especially now. I hate September...

SO, now I am not going into work because dickheads have made me uncomfortable. I am broke and really want to take a yoga class...I have to go back to being me next week because I only care about what the managers have to say, but am uncomfortable about being me in front of all the hater co-workers...and have ranted this out and have to let it go. I work with high schoolers and I have to let that go. The angry part of me wants them to lose their jobs so they will understand why mine is so important to me, but in reality I could never be so cruel.
And I guess that's it.
I don't give a shit if this made sense, it was 8:30 in the fucking morning on a Saturday when I started it and it was for my own gain anyway so do whatever the hell you want with it and happy weekend.


Friday, September 5, 2014

On the new job:

Manager of digital mastering: "How long have you been on this side of the fence now?"
Me: "3 weeks. This is the end of my 3rd week here."
Manager of digital mastering: "You're doing really well."
Me: "Oh! Thank you!"
Me in my head:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Party poopers

I work with an amazing woman, I decided to take up a small collection for her birthday and buy her wine, I was just told that $5 is the cost of a whole bottle of wine, and that asking people for $5 apiece is a lot...

Really? Do you give your friends the same shit wine you drink? Cause I don't. I give nice gifts, that I have really thought about and put work into...It's nice to once in your damn life receive an NICE gift and not fucking lighter fluid bitch.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

And some people think I live in my own little world and have no idea what's going on.
What the hell? We have 30min lunches right now for summer and this guy is trying to FUCK you and you don't seem to understand either of these facts.

I want to rant for days, but I actually have work to get done and am just sitting here praying no one noticed our damn 1 hour lunch.


Friday, September 27, 2013


Supreme frustration today.
All kinds of stuff all over the place.

Oh this life. This human experience.

Links later. After getting off work, getting to the store, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen, taking care of sick partner and sarcastic SD...all while trying not to trip over obnoxious cat. I tripped over her 2 nights ago, scared the shit out of me. Hurt too.

I'll have an ankle update as well later tonight, but, I was told to walk on it yesterday (again) and it's a good thing cause otherwise everyone would have stayed home and caught sick partner's cold (we probably will anyway...unless I gave him this one cause I got it from co-workers last week...)

Anyhow, that's may rant for now. Guess I gotta go feed myself something.


Monday, June 10, 2013

That awkward moment when a co-worker has a lot of lower back pain, and presses you as "yoga girl" (something she made up right then) to show her some moves to release this lower back pain and you relent and have to get down on all fours in the office kitchen to show her cat-cow and child's pose.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Now I know

I remember working at Lightning Media, when it was still on Highland and Romain ave, and being told "Everybody know your business" by a co-worker. I remember hating this and being hurt and deciding not to tell anyone at work about my life again.

Now, a little story:

I remember working at that same place, and a co-worker bringing in pumpkin bars his wife made the night before. A restless night before he confided in some, as she had restless leg syndrome. When this was mentioned to one of the ladies that sat next to me in the little room at the end of the hall that was the billing department, she asked if this affliction started after she gave birth. He said no, she had never given birth. Didn't they have children the woman asked. Yes, four was the reply. But, then how? The woman asked. They are adopted, came the reply. Oh, wow, said the woman. Isn't one of them much older the woman asked. Would you like to go out to dinner? The male co-worker asked. Or, have drinks? You and I and our spouses can get together and you can ask whatever you like about my life and my kids, but till then, we are at work. Can we take care of work stuff please?

I understand that he perhaps originally invited the quierie, but I like that when unprepared to deal with so many more questions, he shut down the conversation. I like that he took control that way. I understand why now.

I'm always over here having to explain everything to everyone and why I feel that way about this or this way about that.

Fuck that shit. DONE.