Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Ankle Chronicles - post 3 of who the fuck knows - another update

Day 20:
I can walk in the "walking boot" if it is super inflated and I don't walk for long distances. I can go to the office restroom for example, or kinda to the office kitchen. Sorta, it's kind of far away.

Back at work today after the last long weekend for a while. So happy to be out of the heat of home, but also want a nap by this time in the day. Meh, it's Tuesday that is actually Monday. Lots of work to do, little concentration..I'll feel better after lunch I'm sure.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


My jaw just popped for the first time since May. Bloody hell.

Rant jar

So, I guess it's time to get a jar and throw a buck in there every time I complain cause I can't even stand myself any longer...and, I would love to have a couple of real, deep, friendships before I die and that doesn't happen to people that can't stand themselves.

I apologize to all those friends I do have that currently can't stand me, it's been a tough 2 months, I'll pull my head out of my ass now.


Those times when you think you are best friends with a person and then find out they actually never tell you anything at all about their life even though you tell them all kinds of stuff cause you thought that was the relationship you had...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Yes - The fucking rules


First photo post from phone...still trying to get the hang of this...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Ankle Chronicles - post 2 of who the fuck knows - an update

Day 10: Still not walking. My amazing belly dance teacher reminds me to "be patient with the process". The bright side? My arms are looking great. Other than that? Blah.

Saturday Happy Song - Sprung Monkey - Super Break Down