Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Screw the roses. I got Mexican food for Valentine's day, cause he knows the real way to my heart.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Here's to 2017!!

I've been M.I.A. because the last 1/4 of this year got hard. Jobs lost, jobs won, gigs lost, gigs won...sickness, health, reflection about life.

I could go on, but it'll take all night.

Goodbye 2016. Like all years, you weren't all bad, but you weren't all great. You were a mixed bag, and I learned a lot.

I wish all of you happiness, health and love in 2017.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Saturday Happy Song - INXS - Not Enough Time - Happy Valentines Day weekend 2016

In honor of our 10th Valentines Day together (10!!! I have spent 10 Valentines with the man I love. I am SO blessed) I share with you our song. This song was playing on KROQ when The Man and I were falling in love. He thought of me and called me to tell me about it, and I was listening to the same radio station, neither one of us had ever heard this song before, but we both immediately thought of each other.  This song made us realize we were falling for each other.

I know that not everyone is as blessed in love as I am, I know that some of you have lost the loves of your life, or never found them to begin with. Take this weekend to do some loving of yourself. Take yourself out for a meal, a hike, a massage, a pedicure, or just masturbate to your favorite dirty movie and smoke a joint afterward. However you spend Valentines, love yourself as much as you love others and remember you are pretty damn great.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cheese Ball Update 2015. Breaking cheeseball news!

 Student showcase/recital/belly dancer party was fun. I could have taken my costume up a notch and blended in better I think. I guess I really don't own any gold. HAHA! Oh well, I liked my more sedate look.
Didn't get goodies made for some co-workers by Dec. 18th, too much going on, was practicing the damn hip-hop piece I was bold enough to take part in all week. Listening to fucking Justine Bieber over and over. It rocked! We rocked!! I don't like the group photo for that one...I haven't gotten other peoples pictures yet...but whatever, it rocked. We worked hard. It right away felt weird that we were done. That group of ladies had been dancing learning/dancing that piece since first week of October. It became part of life for a while. So, some people missed out on fudge.

The one on the left has nuts, the one on the right doesn't. Both were huge hits. I love this fudge.

White elephant party was a success. Some people brought really lame gifts, but whatever. It was a good team builder/detraction. I was the only one that brought an appetizer. The cheese ball was a hit!!

So, it's Amy Sedaris' Cluster Haven's Pepper Mill, I doubled the recipe, added a little cayenne pepper and a little garlic power to the cheese and pecans to the crust. I was kinda scared it wasn't gonna firm up enough to roll, and I didn't want to break it in two and bring two cheese balls to took about 30mins of chill time to get firm, and it still didn't entirely hold it's shape, but whatever. 

Gonna make another one for over Christmas with family. Sorta. I was ditched by both sisters for either xmas day or eve, so it's gonna be a lot of friends I hope. Though, now going out sounds better cause then I don't have to clean the house.


    1 stick butter
    1 8-ounce package cream cheese
    1 1/2 cups grated Cheddar cheese
    2 tablespoons grated onion
    2 tablespoons coarsely ground pepper (to get really coarse pepper, I put peppercorns in a dish towel and bang it with a mallet on my floor)


Combine the butter and cream cheese. Add in the Cheddar and onion. Mix it really well.

Form it into a ball and roll it in the pepper. Refrigerate. Serve at room temperature on a Ritz.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ah, the holiday crazies!!!

Trying to polish 2 dance routines for the student showcase on Dec. 20th...trying to put together stage design for boyfriends STP Tribute band remembrance of Scott Weiland on the 11th...trying to get my costume together for Alpine Village Krampus Party on the 12th...trying to get the house together and Xmas gifts bought for family and friends for Xmas...I need my goodies for co-workers made by the 17th probably because people will be out of the office after's too ambitious to try and make pretzel bites for the office White Elephant party on the 22nd right? Hot damn these look so fucking good though. And you can put the cheese sauce in a crockpot so it stays nice and hot...Fuck, I might need to give this a shot.
 Soft Pretzel Bites with Spicy Cheese Dip by

Monday, November 30, 2015

Well, it's Monday night. The last night of November here on the west coast of America. December looms, breathing down our necks. Thanksgiving is done, now time to rush toward the frenzy of Christmas, slide into New Years way too quick, and wonder how the hell that happened till Jan 14th when you realize there's nothing going on again for a whole month.

How was your Thanksgiving?

Mine was half and half. Half was fun Half was fighting. Just as any good holiday should be.

Waited in line for an hour for ham (my man had already been in line for an hour at this point) went to final rehearsal for belly dance Xmas show coming up, did Full Moon yoga and mediation, was in love with the world. After shopping till midnight and filling up our cart with yummy foods at the very last minute (cause I always have to do everything at the very last minute. WHY?!!), we loaded the car, and it stalled. FUCK.

Uber, boyfriends truck, back to the store, rescue groceries, get home, bake pies...I am anxious about it. I am more anxious Thanksgiving morning when I wake up way too late and remember I have to deal with the fucking car before I can get our dinner party for bandmates rolling.

3 hours, renewal of AAA, finding out it wasn't just the battery, having car towed to mechanic I have had 1 review from my boss about but never actually met, 3 huge fights, half a bottle of wine, some tears, some pot, some vodka, a hot stove and 5 guests later we are in full swing and could not be happier about it. I really do love to entertain, it's really not always such a dramatic battle to the dinner bell. I swear, we have fun.

Friday we went out to see another band mate play in, at Canter's. I got drunk on Pinot Noir and purchased too many pastries ( Rainbow Cookies!!), then ate too many pastries. Saturday, I ran errands with my man and he took me out to lunch at Hamburger Hamlet. I had never eaten there. It was lovely. Sandwichs and beer and french fries were all great. He bought me some costume beads at a little shop before heading out to rehearsal. I know I'm getting old when a little part of me needs the work week to start so I can get back into a routine that doesn't involve so much eating.

Blessed. I am blessed. A luxurious 4 days off.

Shit you guys, I can't believe it's time for Christmas already. 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween from Pink, The Cat!

Saturday Happy Song - Halloween 2015 Edition


 Wow, this whole month really flew by...Wasn't ready for Halloween or October to be over yet. Oh well...we'll party and drink too much anyway. Some of my favorites from searches this week, enjoy!

Never saw this before.

I sorta learned part of the Thriller dance at the gym at work this week...Have never seen this cut of the video.

Love this movie!

My significant other is playing at a biker bar tonight. Should prove to be interesting. I'll have pictures later.  Have a great Halloween!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day 2015

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! 
Go call your dad if you can. Or hug him. Tell him you love him.