Showing posts with label Capricorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capricorn. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

I know it's corny to some of you, but this, all of this is happening today...

Capricorn Horoscope
"It's your intention to be evenhanded while dealing with difficult political dynamics at work today. However, your patience is growing thin and your true feelings might overwhelm your strategic thinking. Even your best-laid plans can fall apart as circumstances change in unexpected ways. Work with your current intensity, but don't let it get the best of you. Although flexibility is your friend, there's no reason to overreact by changing your goals. Modify your approach and your method without altering your destination."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

 Like I said before, I never read my horoscope anymore...not for years. It was a fun joke in high school, but that's about it. Since the end of February it has been scary accurate. The below is just crazyness.

"Your professional life is at a crossroads, and if you don't make a decision this month it's possible one will be made for you. There are two likely scenarios at play, and where you fall, depends on whether or not you are following your true calling in life.

If you're doing exactly what you know you're meant to do, it's possible you'll receive spotlight attention for your work. An honor, award or even a promotion may arrive in a most unexpected way. While you'll want to celebrate your success near April 15, however, it's more likely you'll find this change to be quite stressful. You might, for example, receive a fabulous offer -- but with a catch. It may require you to travel more or move out of state, disrupting your relationship and family dynamic. It's also possible that your partner won't be as supportive of your career goals at this time, causing additional tension.

If you're not working in a field you know you belong in, the eclipse on April 15 might lead to you losing your position. This might rattle you -- especially if you were only staying for the job security. Keep in mind that in the grand scheme of things, something as jarring as this needs to happen in order to push you towards what you are truly meant to be doing with your life. The decisions you make after the rug is pulled out from underneath you will be defining for many years to come. Make them count.

If single, romance is on the horizon near April 29. If you're thinking about starting a family or adding to your brood, positive baby news might arrive."
