Saturday, February 11, 2017

Photo update - January 2017

So, last month in photos:

Although we were supposed to go to a friend's house for New Years Eve, I was there the night before to decorate, had a fight with my boyfriend, and was a little um...depressed about my birthday and getting older than I'd like to be for where I am in life. So, we stayed in. I flaked on my friend, and she had been so good to me, and bought me nice gifts and a cake, and I just couldn't get myself out the door. I realized that the entire 10 years me and Mr. So and So have been together we have never stayed home for New Years Eve. Never. It was wonderful, it was mellow, it got hot and steamy. And the best part? I have never run in the New Year at midnight with my Pink!! SO here is the first picture of 2017 with the love of my life, Pink (The Cat):

 So glad this champagne is actually tasty cause I bought it totally for the label:

Waiting for Steve so we can go to the beach cause that's what I wanted to do for my birthday:

I just wanted to be out in nature of some kind. We ended up at Topanga State Beach:

Sunset on the first day of 2017:

Cool underground bridge deal:

Pretty flowers my friend Mia gave me for my birthday:

 A couple days later the lily bloomed. I love lilies:

I made vegetarian chili fries;
  This is where I work now/ I sit on the left, and the crazy girl that sometimes doesn't talk to me sits on the right;
January birthdays at work, and though I didn't want to tell them it was my birthday, I did want a cupcake:

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