Thursday, May 7, 2009


A rose by any other name...

It's been awhile, and has the time flown right out the window! The last 2 weeks have been especially bad, and are getting worse in the time warp department. You see, I was laid off my job 2 weeks ago, and it has gone into the realm of weird as far as the hours I have been keeping. On the up side I am at least very creative and have stayed motivated. I started taking the apartment apart 2 nights ago and have since gotten rid of a third of my possessions! Yay for liberation of clutter! If I wasn't running out of money fast this would be fun! Sadly, I am really broke, and the job search isn't panning out...and I'm not sure what to do about it. The Man isn't working right now either, so we have gotten creative on how to come up with money. None of that has worked either.

Although I should probably be more worried, I'm not. It's all gonna work out, somehow. I was dyeing in that office, no matter how nice the people were, I needed something more challenging. And you know, I'm not sure I'll find it in an office. I want to be so much more than I am, and that was hard to do with the excuse that I was too tired from work to do anything I wanted to do. I was reporting to a company I didn't really care about to file their paperwork, that I really didn't care about, while I daydreamed about what else I could be doing. Wow, really long run on sentences when you have a beer and a bowl with lunch. Haha!

So the last two weeks I have worked on photoshop tutorials, pulled apart all my stuff, applied for post production jobs I am wildly under-qualified for, gone out on a casting audition for extra work, defrosted my freezer, fed a friends cat for 4 days, melted in his hot tub, and gotten really baked. Yay! Let's here it for forced vacation!

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