"You cannot be peaceful and at the same time blame others." -From the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Calander
Still trying to keep my chin up. Is it in the air? Can you see it there? Is it covered in hair?...Hair? What? No!
The above is so true, but that is not what disrupts my peace. It is the opposite actually, I blame myself for everything. I feel like everything is my fault, like I have messed up so much. Of course it doesn't help that there are a few people that confirm this for me...and then there is guilt that they are right, and then I get depressed, then I mope around. Nothing gets done and then I feel guilty, the cycle repeats itself over and over.
I have to figure out how to end this. I need a fucking whole life makeover. To do that, I feel like I need 24 more hours in every day. I only get so much reading done on the subject, and not all of it is then put to use. So forgive me dear readers, as I embark on a whole other side project to the side projects in my life. I am gonna be here to update you on my progress, hopefully as soon as tomorrow.