Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shake it baby!


So it is the dawn of day 4 (not really dawn I realize, but I don't really get to work on my own projects till I get home at night) of the challenge and I have still made progress! This is amazing, my New Years resolutions didn’t stick this long! I think I mentioned what I intend to do, (working on my photography and dance a little every day) and am pleased to report that a little of both got done last night. AND I still had time to lie in bed, watch TV and love my man! SCORE!

For the dance portion of the evening I mixed it up with The Bollywood Dance Workout,

and loved it. I love, love, LOVE eastern dance, and took my first Bollywood dance class back in July (or was it August?) in a workshop with the amazing girls from Blue 13 Dance Company. It was SO much fun; I knew I would be doing more of it. But then I have tried to concentrate on my belly dance, because that is part of a project I am working on with The Man. I do all of this in my living room by the way. I haven’t always, I was a dance major in college, I used to go to studios to dance; right now though I just can’t afford it, so I do it at home with videos. It’s really funny because I have recently gotten back in touch with quite a few people I used to dance with, they all ask “where do you dance now?” and laugh when I say “my living room”. Then, they smile big and say “no, really though, where are you dancing?” Really people, right there in my living room. And you know what? I love it.

The Bollywood Dance Workout video is really geared toward the novice, living room dancer. I had never heard of Hemalaya Behl, and she seemed to be new to the concept of teaching dance as the instruction moved pretty quickly. She wasn’t always in sync with the music, and the other two dancers weren’t always in sync with her. (Although upon googleing her I have found that she has many videos, so maybe this was just her first one.) Despite all this, it was the best workout video I have ever used, and I had SO much fun!

Part of this is due to the fast pace, which although not good for the first part of learning the movements, does keep your energy way up. Hemalaya is always telling you to smile, and not to worry too much if you don’t get the steps right, just do what feels right. She was having fun the whole time, smiling and laughing. Her voice over instructions are always in an upbeat voice, and a few times she realized what her mistakes were and said not to forget to laugh at yourself and have fun! Wow! This girl rocked! She has such good energy! More exclamation points for her! !!!!!!!!!

I was sweating by the end, and felt like I got a good workout. Then she cools you down and gets a little stretching in. It was a pretty complete package. I am gonna do it again tonight, and would highly recommend this video to my fellow living room dancers!

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